ASP.NET Razor - C# Variables

Variables are named entities used to store data.

Converting Data Types

Converting from one data type to another is sometimes useful.

The most common example is to convert string input to another type, such as an integer or a date.

As a rule, user input comes as strings, even if the user entered a number. Therefore, numeric input values must be converted to numbers before they can be used in calculations.

Below is a list of common conversion methods:

Method Description Example
Converts a string to an integer. if (myString.IsInt())
Converts a string to a floating-point number. if (myString.IsFloat())
Converts a string to a decimal number. if (myString.IsDecimal())
Converts a string to an ASP.NET DateTime type. myString="10/10/2012";
Converts a string to a Boolean. myString="True";
ToString() Converts any data type to a string. myInt=1234;
时间: 2024-08-27 08:17:43

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