mysql-copy to tmp table

今天数据后台数据反映有些迟缓后查看链接 processlist 发下好多 锁 和磁盘写入,

参考文章 :


| Id  | User   | Host      | db           | Command | Time | State                | Info                                                                                                |


|   7 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   19 | Locked               |

|  31 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Locked               |

| 408 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Locked               |

| 464 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Locked               |

| 471 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   21 | Locked               |

| 499 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Copying to tmp table |

| 545 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Locked               |

| 569 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Locked               |

| 588 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   21 | Locked               |

| 589 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   21 | Locked               |

| 602 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Locked               |

| 624 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   21 | Locked               |

| 647 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   19 | Locked               |

| 651 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Locked               |

| 680 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Locked               |

| 681 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   21 | Locked               |

| 688 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   17 | Locked               |

| 704 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   22 | Locked               |

| 709 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   21 | Locked               |

| 710 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   20 | Locked               |

| 711 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   20 | Locked               |

| 713 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   19 | Locked               |

| 718 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   12 | Locked               |

| 720 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   18 | Locked               |

| 729 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   16 | Locked               |

| 731 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   15 | Locked               |

| 745 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Sleep   |   11 |                      |

| 746 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   11 | Locked               |

| 748 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Sleep   |   10 |                      |

| 749 | echina | localhost | echinacities | Query   |   10 | Locked               |



tmp_table_size 33554432 (33.5M)

max_heap_table_size 16777216 (16.7M)

copy to tmp table的SQL语句,这条语读的时间比较长,且这个表会被加读锁,相关表的update语句会被排进队列。如果多执行几次这样的copyt to tmp table 语句,会造成更多的语句被阻塞。


copy to tmp talbe 语句产生的原因是查询需要Order By 或者Group By等需要用到结果集时,参数中设置的临时表的大小小于结果集的大小时,就会将该表放在磁盘上,这个时候在硬盘上的IO要比内销差很多。所耗费的时间也多很多。另外Mysql的另外一个参数max_heap_table_size比tmp_table_size小时,则系统会把 max_heap_table_size的值作为最大的内存临时表的上限,大于这个时,改写硬盘。


时间: 2024-10-24 14:12:07

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