c# winForm使用Aspose.Cells读取CSV文件中文乱码问题

不废话直接上代码 主要注意是 红色代码部分

Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions lo = new TxtLoadOptions();
            lo.Encoding = Encoding.Default;
            Worksheet wkSheet = null;
            Workbook wkBook = new Workbook(strFileName,lo);
            wkBook.FileFormat = FileFormatType.CSV;

wkSheet = wkBook.Worksheets[SheetIndex];

Cells cells = wkSheet.Cells;

            DataTable dt = cells.ExportDataTableAsString(SheetIndex, HeaderRowIndex, cells.MaxDataRow + 1, cells.MaxColumn + 1, true);

            wkSheet = null;
            wkBook = null;

            return dt;

时间: 2024-10-11 09:23:40

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