[转]How to Clean the Global Assembly Cache


The Global Assembly Cache (GAC) folder in Microsoft Windows stores assemblies common to multiple applications. An assembly is a single, compiled unit that contains information about all the files and resources in a .NET application. The .Net framework comes with pre-installed assemblies. Developers can also place assemblies into the GAC to share them with other applications. Microsoft notes that you don‘t generally need to remove items from the Global Assembly Cache, but it does provide tools for cleaning the GAC.


Click the Windows Search charm and type "Visual Studio." Windows will return a list of search results.


Locate an entry that has "Command Prompt" in the name. The wording that you see will differ depending on your version of Visual Studio. For example, if you use Visual Studio 2013, you will see "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Command Prompt." Click that item. The "Command Prompt" window will open.


Type the following in the "Command Prompt" window:


Gacutil –l


Press "Enter." Windows will display a list of the assemblies in the Global Assembly Cache.


Click the "C" icon at the top of the window and select "Edit" and then "Mark." Hold down your left mouse button and highlight the assembly that you want to remove from the GAC. Click the "C" icon again and select "Edit" and then "Copy." This copies the assembly name to your clipboard.


Type the following in the window:




Click the "C" icon at the top of the window and select "Edit" then "Mark." Hold down your left mouse button and highlight "Paste assembly name here." Click the "C" icon, select "Edit" and then "Paste" to paste the name that you copied. For example, if you copied an assembly named "Calculate," the final command might look like this:


gacutil /u "Calculate,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0123456789ABCDEF"


Press "Enter" to execute the command. Remove other assemblies from the GAC as needed.

时间: 2024-11-04 20:06:07

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自学》4.程序集 英文:assembly

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在.NET 中,新引入了一个程序集的概念,就是指经由编译器编译得到的,供CLR进一步编译执行的那个中间产物,在WINDOWS系统中,它一般表现为.dll,或者是.exe的格式,但是要注意,它们跟普通意义上的WIN32可执行程序是完全不同的东西,程序集必须依靠CLR才能顺利执行. 之所以要编译为程序集然后由.NET FRAMEWORK解析执行,就是为了实现跨平台的功能.并且由CLR解析执行可以针对不同的具体平台生成具体针对性的优化代码,对执行效率也有好处. 程序集的格式如下: WIN32文件头 C


在.NET 中,新引入了一个程序集的概念,就是指经由编译器编译得到的,供CLR进一步编译执行的那个中间产物,在WINDOWS系统中,它一般表现为.dll,或者是.exe的格式,但是要注意,它们跟普通意义上的WIN32可执行程序是完全不同的东西,程序集必须依靠CLR才能顺利执行. 之所以要编译为程序集然后由.NET FRAMEWORK解析执行,就是为了实现跨平台的功能.并且由CLR解析执行可以针对不同的具体平台生成具体针对性的优化代码,对执行效率也有好处. 程序集的格式如下: WIN32文件头 C