Before Starting Blogs


Hello there. I am a student major in software in Wuhan, I have planed to start a blog for such long time which finally begin today. Just take a note to memorize this moment.

About English Blogs

Please forgive me about my poor English. I have seen so many tech-blogs that are unchecked but uploaded to the web, which are of much confusing to programmers. If you search in English you may see my blogs, I would make sure my blogs are tested before uploading. Writing in English is wierd, it‘s not a kind of parade that I wish you would understand me.

About My blogs

My blogs are mostly about my curriculums in CS and about the Macbook. I would appreciate it you help me point out the mistakes in my blogs.

Thanks for reading and love you all.

时间: 2024-12-18 08:52:13

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