分形之二叉树(Binary Tree)



static void FractalBinaryTree(const Vector3& vStart, const Vector3& vEnd, Yreal angle, Yreal branch_c, Vector3* pVertices)
    Vector3 vSub = vEnd - vStart;
    Yreal len = D3DXVec3Length(&vSub);
    Yreal alfa = atan2f(vSub.y, vSub.x);

    Yreal branch = len*branch_c;

    pVertices[0] = vEnd;
    pVertices[1].x = pVertices[0].x + branch*cosf(alfa - angle);
    pVertices[1].y = pVertices[0].y + branch*sinf(alfa - angle);
    pVertices[1].z = 0.0f;

    pVertices[2] = vEnd;
    pVertices[3].x = pVertices[2].x + branch*cosf(alfa + angle);
    pVertices[3].y = pVertices[2].y + branch*sinf(alfa + angle);
    pVertices[3].z = 0.0f;






时间: 2024-12-27 22:00:10

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