where can I get the idea?

Useful links for search:
http://www.google.com.hk/ (Google)
http://scholar.google.com/ (Google Scholar)
http://www.google.com/patents (Google Patent)
https://www.lexisnexis.com/totalpatent/signonForm.do (Total Patent)
http://worldwide.espacenet.com/?locale=en_EP (Worldwide patent search tool)
http://www.soopat.com/ (Chinese patent search tool)
http://www.sipo.gov.cn/zhfwpt/zljs/ (Chinese patent search tool)

1. Backgrouds: 随着,,,

2. Technical problem:然而,,,

3. Known solutions: a, b, c,,,

4. Summary of the invention:本发明和以上均不同,,,不是,,,而是,,,,

5. Description of the invention:





key point:一个数学公式、一张表、一个流程图、一个架构图等等,,,

6. Claim point(Detailed description): 一种用于xxx的方法和装置,包括:





时间: 2024-08-17 12:08:52