基于 Python 3 新增的函数注解(Function Annotations )语法实现参数类型检查功能


python python 3 / Function Annotations

函数注解(Function Annotations)

函数注解语法 可以让你在定义函数的时候对参数和返回值添加注解:

def foobar(a: int, b: "it‘s b", c: str = 5) -> tuple:
    return a, b, c
  • a: int 这种是注解参数
  • c: str = 5 是注解有默认值的参数
  • -> tuple 是注解返回值。


def foobar(a: 1+1) -> 2 * 2:
    return a


  • __annotations__:

    >>> foobar.__annotations__
    {‘a‘: int, ‘b‘: "it‘s b", ‘c‘: str, ‘return‘: tuple}
  • inspect.signature:
    >>> import inspect
    >>> sig = inspect.signature(foobar)
    >>> # 获取函数参数
    >>> sig.paraments
    mappingproxy(OrderedDict([(‘a‘, <Parameter "a:int">), (‘b‘, <Parameter "b:"it‘s b"">), (‘c‘, <Parameter "c:str=5">)]))
    >>> # 获取函数参数注解
    >>> for k, v in sig.parameters.items():
            print(‘{k}: {a!r}‘.format(k=k, a=v.annotation))
    a: <class ‘int‘>
    b: "it‘s b"
    c: <class ‘str‘>
    >>> # 返回值注解
    >> sig.return_annotation



Python 解释器并不会基于函数注解来自动进行类型检查,需要我们自己去实现类型检查功能:

>>> foobar.__annotations__
{‘a‘: int, ‘b‘: "it‘s b", ‘c‘: str, ‘return‘: tuple}

>>> foobar(a=‘a‘, b=2, c=3)
(‘a‘, 2, 3)

既然通过 inspect.signature 我们可以获取函数定义的参数的顺序以及函数注解, 那么我们就可以通过定义一个装饰器来检查传入函数的参数的类型是否跟函数注解相符, 这里实现的装饰器函数(check_type.py)如下:

# coding: utf8
import collections
import functools
import inspect

def check(func):
    msg = (‘Expected type {expected!r} for argument {argument}, ‘
           ‘but got type {got!r} with value {value!r}‘)
    # 获取函数定义的参数
    sig = inspect.signature(func)
    parameters = sig.parameters          # 参数有序字典
    arg_keys = tuple(parameters.keys())   # 参数名称

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        CheckItem = collections.namedtuple(‘CheckItem‘, (‘anno‘, ‘arg_name‘, ‘value‘))
        check_list = []

        # collect args   *args 传入的参数以及对应的函数参数注解
        for i, value in enumerate(args):
            arg_name = arg_keys[i]
            anno = parameters[arg_name].annotation
            check_list.append(CheckItem(anno, arg_name, value))

        # collect kwargs  **kwargs 传入的参数以及对应的函数参数注解
        for arg_name, value in kwargs.items():
           anno = parameters[arg_name].annotation
           check_list.append(CheckItem(anno, arg_name, value))

        # check type
        for item in check_list:
            if not isinstance(item.value, item.anno):
                error = msg.format(expected=item.anno, argument=item.arg_name,
                                   got=type(item.value), value=item.value)
                raise TypeError(error)

        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper


def foobar(a: int, b: str, c: float = 3.2) -> tuple:
    return a, b, c


>>> foobar(1, ‘b‘)
(1, ‘b‘, 3.2)

>>> foobar(1, ‘b‘, 3.5)
(1, ‘b‘, 3.5)

>>> foobar(‘a‘, ‘b‘)
TypeError: Expected type <class ‘int‘> for argument a, but got type <class ‘str‘> with value ‘a

>>> foobar(1, 2)
TypeError: Expected type <class ‘str‘> for argument b, but got type <class ‘int‘> with value 2

>>> foobar(1, ‘b‘, 3)
TypeError: Expected type <class ‘float‘> for argument c, but got type <class ‘int‘> with value


>>> foobar(b=‘b‘, a=2)
(2, ‘b‘, 3.2)
>>> foobar(b=‘b‘, a=2, c=3.5)
(2, ‘b‘, 3.5)

>>>foobar(a=‘foo‘, b=‘bar‘)
TypeError: Expected type <class ‘int‘> for argument a, but got type <class ‘str‘> with value ‘foo‘

>>> foobar(b=3, a=2)
TypeError: Expected type <class ‘str‘> for argument b, but got type <class ‘int‘> with value 3

>>> foobar(a=2, b=‘bar‘, c=3)
TypeError: Expected type <class ‘float‘> for argument c, but got type <class ‘int‘> with value

借助于 Function Annotations 一个简单的参数类型检查的装饰器就这样实现了。


时间: 2024-10-03 14:15:03

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