

Where are you going?

To see my sister downtown


When did she move here?

Ten years ago


She lives in an apartment downtown


It‘s almost five O‘clock

5. 现在路上车很多

There be a lot of traffic now.

6. 我们做地铁去

We‘ll take the subway.


It only takes twenty minutes.


It can get really crowded


I am used to that


Apartments used to be a lot cheaper ten years ago

11. 我知道你的意思

I know what you mean


You can hardly find anything


Next time you are free,  give me a call

We can go for a coffee sometime.


What are you doing tomorrow?

Nothing special.

Why do you ask?


Do you want to go shopping with me?

I‘d love to.

But I am not sure if I can

16. 我八点才能确定能不能去

I should know if I can go or not at 8 pm tonight.

17. 到时候我给你打电话行吗?

Is it ok if I call you then?

Yes, that‘s fine

18. 你的手机号是多少?

What‘s your number?

I‘ll call you soon


I‘ve been really busy lately.


Why don‘t we go on Saturday instead?

Saturday is no good.

21. 商店里周六人很多

The stores will be very crowded

22. 那咱们尽量明天去.

Let‘s try to go tomorrow?

23. 你现在到了吗?

Are you there yet?

I am almost there.

I just got off the subway

I am  inside

I am sorry I‘m late


时间: 2025-02-01 13:03:38



1. 你早上几点起床 What time do you get up? 2.我把我的闹钟设为5点 I set my alarm for 5 a.m. 3.我闹钟5点钟响 my alarm goes off  at 5 a.m. 4.赶快关掉你的闹钟 Turn off your alarm 5. 请在早上五点叫醒我 can you wake me up tomorrow at 5 a.m. please 6.我不想睡过头 I don't want to oversleep 7.我明天想睡懒觉 I


1. 我感觉身体有一点不舒服 I'm feeling a bit under the weather I'm not feeling well. 注意身体上感觉不舒服,不能用uncomfortable, uncomfortable不是指身体上不舒服.如果说你坐的椅子不舒服,可以用uncomfortable. I don't like this chair ,it's uncomfortable 2. 整体健康状况不是很好 I'm not in good shape. She's in good


1. 你参加了昨天的party吗? Did you go to the party last night? 2. 你玩的开心吗? Did you have a good time? 3.你几点离开的? What time did you leave the party? (I don’t know. I was having a really good time. I think I drink too much.) I left about ten o’clock. 4.你和谁一起去的? Wh


1.他们多收我钱了 They overcharged me! 2.你能再检查下账单吗? Can you double-check the bill, please? 3.我有点不开心了,这事以前也发生过 I was a bit upset. This has happened to me before. 4.他们向我道歉了 They apologized to me. I am so sorry about that(being late). I forgave them. 5. 我可以给你订一


1.你的头发怎么了? What happened to your hair? / What happened? I got a haircut. 2. 你觉得我的头发怎么样? What do you think of my new haircut? How do you like it? I like it very much. It suits you.(很适合你) Suit yourself.(你自己觉得怎么适合你怎么来) 3.你为什么会这样说啊? What makes you say th


1. 我们在哪见过吗? Have we met? You must be Purr. 2. 非常高兴最后见到你了 I am very happy to finally meet you. / I'm delighted to meet you. I am glad to hear that. 3.你能帮我个忙吗? Can you do me a favor? / I need a favor. What can I do for you? 4.我现在手头很忙 I've got my hands


首先.确定你自己的英语水平.中国大学毕业生的通病是,书面阅读还可以,口语不行,听力很差,书写凑合.但每个人具体情况又都不一样,有人阅读专业书一目十行,但读报纸很费劲.有人听新闻可以,听别的不行.你必须首先了解自己,然后针对你的情况对症下药.这种评估工作最好找英语好的人帮你做,如果不方便,只能自己评自己,就要尽量做到客观. 其次.确定自己的发音水平.我有个朋友对我说他的发音没问题,可实际上他说得很多词我都听不懂.你学的是英国音还是美国音都无所谓,反正最终从你嘴里出来的肯定是中国音.最重要的是发音要


前几天突发奇想做了个很水的应用,名字叫chinese 800(汉语口语800句),现在让别人传上去了(正在传). 今天又改了一下变成了英语口语800句.加了广告条 ui 没有优化,我随便整的两个图片,有人会ps的可以再优化一下ui 应用含800个音频文件.音频文件我就不传了,我写了个脚本,可以在苹果机上一条命令产生800个音频文件.file:///d:/PROGRA~1/360BRO~1/360se6/USERDA~1/Temp/4064_1~1.JPG<ignore_js_op> 效果图2&

英语口语练习(Don&#39;t get me wrong, that explanation makes no difference, I&#39;m still mad at you. Come on, be reasonable!)

绿色:连读:                  红色:略读:               蓝色:浊化:               橙色:弱读     下划线_为浊化 口语蜕变(2017/7/11) 英文原文: Don’t get me wrong, that explanation makes no difference, I'm still mad at you. Come on, be reasonable! 英式音标: [d?n] [ti?] [get] [mi?] [r??] , [ð