JAX-RS annotations

The @Path annotation defines the path to the base URL or resource_path. The base URL is based on the application‘s name, the servlet, and the URL pattern from the web.xml configuration file.

The @PathParam annotation is used to inject values from the URL into a method parameter. In this way, one can inject, say, the ID of a resource into the method for getting the correct object.

The @GET annotation indicates that the method will answer to an HTTP GET request.

The @PUT annotation indicates that the method will answer to an HTTP PUT request.

The @POST annotation indicates that the method will answer to an HTTP POST request.

The @DELETE annotation indicates that the method will answer to an HTTP DELETE request.

The @Produces annotation defines which MIME type is delivered by a method annotated with any HTTP annotated methods. In the given example, a text (text/plain) is produced. Other examples would be application/xml or application/json.

The @Consumes annotation defines which MIME type is consumed by this method.

时间: 2024-10-20 18:33:23

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