
*                                               uC/OS-II
*                                         The Real-Time Kernel
*                        (c) Copyright 1992-2002, Jean J. Labrosse, Weston, FL
*                                          All Rights Reserved
*                                          80x86 Specific code
*                                 LARGE MEMORY MODEL WITH FLOATING-POINT
*                                          Borland C/C++ V4.51
* File         : OS_CPU_C.C
* By           : Jean J. Labrosse
#include "includes.h"

*                                             LOCAL CONSTANTS
* Note(s) : 1) OS_NTASKS_FP  establishes the number of tasks capable of supporting floating-point.  One
*              task is removed for the idle task because it doesn‘t do floating-point at all.
*           2) OS_FP_STORAGE_SIZE  currently allocates 128 bytes of storage even though the 80x86 FPU
*              only require 108 bytes to save the FPU context.  I decided to allocate 128 bytes for
*              future expansion.  

#define  OS_NTASKS_FP         (OS_MAX_TASKS + OS_N_SYS_TASKS - 1)
#define  OS_FP_STORAGE_SIZE   128

*                                             LOCAL VARIABLES

static  OS_MEM  *OSFPPartPtr;          /* Pointer to memory partition holding FPU storage areas        */

/* I used INT32U to ensure that storage is aligned on a ...     */
                                       /* ... 32-bit boundary.                                         */
static  INT32U   OSFPPart[OS_NTASKS_FP][OS_FP_STORAGE_SIZE / sizeof(INT32U)];

*                                        INITIALIZE FP SUPPORT
* Description: This function is called to initialize the memory partition needed to support context
*              switching the Floating-Point registers.  This function MUST be called AFTER calling
*              OSInit().
* Arguments  : none
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : 1) Tasks that are to use FP support MUST be created with OSTaskCreateExt().
*              2) For the 80x86 FPU, 108 bytes are required to save the FPU context.  I decided to
*                 allocate 128 bytes for future expansion.  Also, I used INT32U to ensure that storage
*                 is aligned on a 32-bit boundary.
*              3) I decided to ‘change‘ the ‘Options‘ attribute for the statistic task in case you
*                 use OSTaskStatHook() and need to perform floating-point operations in this function.
*                 This only applies if OS_TaskStat() was created with OSTaskCreateExt().

void  OSFPInit (void)
    INT8U    err;
    OS_TCB  *ptcb;
    void    *pblk;
    OSFPPartPtr = OSMemCreate(&OSFPPart[0][0], OS_NTASKS_FP, OS_FP_STORAGE_SIZE, &err);
#if OS_TASK_STAT_EN && OS_TASK_CREATE_EXT_EN       /* CHANGE ‘OPTIONS‘ for OS_TaskStat()               */
    ptcb            = OSTCBPrioTbl[OS_STAT_PRIO];
    ptcb->OSTCBOpt |= OS_TASK_OPT_SAVE_FP;         /* Allow floating-point support for Statistic task  */
    pblk            = OSMemGet(OSFPPartPtr, &err); /* Get storage for FPU registers                    */
    if (pblk != (void *)0) {                       /* Did we get a memory block?                       */
        ptcb->OSTCBExtPtr = pblk;                  /* Yes, Link to task‘s TCB                          */
        OSFPSave(pblk);                            /*      Save the FPU registers in block             */

*                                       OS INITIALIZATION HOOK
*                                            (BEGINNING)
* Description: This function is called by OSInit() at the beginning of OSInit().
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts should be disabled during this call.
#if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0 && OS_VERSION > 203
void  OSInitHookBegin (void)

*                                       OS INITIALIZATION HOOK
*                                               (END)
* Description: This function is called by OSInit() at the end of OSInit().
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts should be disabled during this call.
#if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0 && OS_VERSION > 203
void  OSInitHookEnd (void)

*                                          TASK CREATION HOOK
* Description: This function is called when a task is created.
* Arguments  : ptcb   is a pointer to the task control block of the task being created.
* Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are disabled during this call.
*              2) I decided to change the options on the statistic task to allow for floating-point in
*                 case you decide to do math. in OSTaskStatHook().
void OSTaskCreateHook (OS_TCB *ptcb)
    INT8U  err;
    void  *pblk;
    if (ptcb->OSTCBOpt & OS_TASK_OPT_SAVE_FP) {  /* See if task needs FP support                      */
        pblk = OSMemGet(OSFPPartPtr, &err);      /* Yes, Get storage for FPU registers                */
        if (pblk != (void *)0) {                 /*      Did we get a memory block?                   */
            ptcb->OSTCBExtPtr = pblk;            /*      Yes, Link to task‘s TCB                      */
            OSFPSave(pblk);                      /*           Save the FPU registers in block         */

*                                           TASK DELETION HOOK
* Description: This function is called when a task is deleted.
* Arguments  : ptcb   is a pointer to the task control block of the task being deleted.
* Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are disabled during this call.
void OSTaskDelHook (OS_TCB *ptcb)
    if (ptcb->OSTCBOpt & OS_TASK_OPT_SAVE_FP) {            /* See if task had FP support               */
        if (ptcb->OSTCBExtPtr != (void *)0) {              /* Yes, OSTCBExtPtr must not be NULL        */
            OSMemPut(OSFPPartPtr, ptcb->OSTCBExtPtr);      /*      Return memory block to free pool    */

*                                             IDLE TASK HOOK
* Description: This function is called by the idle task.  This hook has been added to allow you to do  
*              such things as STOP the CPU to conserve power.
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are enabled during this call.
void  OSTaskIdleHook (void)

*                                           STATISTIC TASK HOOK
* Description: This function is called every second by uC/OS-II‘s statistics task.  This allows your
*              application to add functionality to the statistics task.
* Arguments  : none
void OSTaskStatHook (void)

*                                        INITIALIZE A TASK‘S STACK
* Description: This function is called by either OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt() to initialize the
*              stack frame of the task being created.  This function is highly processor specific.
* Arguments  : task          is a pointer to the task code
*              pdata         is a pointer to a user supplied data area that will be passed to the task
*                            when the task first executes.
*              ptos          is a pointer to the top of stack.  It is assumed that ‘ptos‘ points to
*                            a ‘free‘ entry on the task stack.  If OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 1 then
*                            ‘ptos‘ will contain the HIGHEST valid address of the stack.  Similarly, if
*                            OS_STK_GROWTH is set to 0, the ‘ptos‘ will contains the LOWEST valid address
*                            of the stack.
*              opt           specifies options that can be used to alter the behavior of OSTaskStkInit().
*                            (see uCOS_II.H for OS_TASK_OPT_???).
* Returns    : Always returns the location of the new top-of-stack‘ once the processor registers have
*              been placed on the stack in the proper order.
* Note(s)    : Interrupts are enabled when your task starts executing. You can change this by setting the
*              PSW to 0x0002 instead.  In this case, interrupts would be disabled upon task startup.  The
*              application code would be responsible for enabling interrupts at the beginning of the task
*              code.  You will need to modify OSTaskIdle() and OSTaskStat() so that they enable
*              interrupts.  Failure to do this will make your system crash!

OS_STK  *OSTaskStkInit (void (*task)(void *pd), void *pdata, OS_STK *ptos, INT16U opt)
    INT16U *stk;

opt    = opt;                           /* ‘opt‘ is not used, prevent warning                      */
    stk    = (INT16U *)ptos;                /* Load stack pointer                                      */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_SEG(pdata);         /* Simulate call to function with argument                 */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_OFF(pdata);         
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_SEG(task);
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_OFF(task);
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x0202;                /* SW = Interrupts enabled                                 */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_SEG(task);          /* Put pointer to task   on top of stack                   */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_OFF(task);
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0xAAAA;                /* AX = 0xAAAA                                             */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0xCCCC;                /* CX = 0xCCCC                                             */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0xDDDD;                /* DX = 0xDDDD                                             */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0xBBBB;                /* BX = 0xBBBB                                             */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x0000;                /* SP = 0x0000                                             */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x1111;                /* BP = 0x1111                                             */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x2222;                /* SI = 0x2222                                             */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x3333;                /* DI = 0x3333                                             */
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x4444;                /* ES = 0x4444                                             */
    *stk   = _DS;                           /* DS = Current value of DS                                */
    return ((OS_STK *)stk);

*                                           TASK SWITCH HOOK
* Description: This function is called when a task switch is performed.  This allows you to perform other
*              operations during a context switch.
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts are disabled during this call.
*              2) It is assumed that the global pointer ‘OSTCBHighRdy‘ points to the TCB of the task that
*                 will be ‘switched in‘ (i.e. the highest priority task) and, ‘OSTCBCur‘ points to the
*                 task being switched out (i.e. the preempted task).
void OSTaskSwHook (void)
    INT8U  err;
    void  *pblk;
                                                           /* Save FPU context of preempted task       */
    if (OSRunning == TRUE) {                               /* Don‘t save on OSStart()!                 */
        if (OSTCBCur->OSTCBOpt & OS_TASK_OPT_SAVE_FP) {    /* See if task used FP                      */
            pblk = OSTCBCur->OSTCBExtPtr;                  /* Yes, Get pointer to FP storage area      */
            if (pblk != (void *)0) {                       /*      Make sure we have storage           */
                OSFPSave(pblk);                            /*      Save the FPU registers in block     */
                                                           /* Restore FPU context of new task          */
    if (OSTCBHighRdy->OSTCBOpt & OS_TASK_OPT_SAVE_FP) {    /* See if new task uses FP                  */
        pblk = OSTCBHighRdy->OSTCBExtPtr;                  /* Yes, Get pointer to FP storage area      */
        if (pblk != (void *)0) {                           /*      Make sure we have storage           */
            OSFPRestore(pblk);                             /*      Get contents of FPU registers       */

*                                           OSTCBInit() HOOK
* Description: This function is called by OS_TCBInit() after setting up most of the TCB.
* Arguments  : ptcb    is a pointer to the TCB of the task being created.
* Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts may or may not be ENABLED during this call.
#if OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN > 0 && OS_VERSION > 203
void  OSTCBInitHook (OS_TCB *ptcb)
    ptcb = ptcb;                                           /* Prevent Compiler warning                 */

*                                               TICK HOOK
* Description: This function is called every tick.
* Arguments  : none
* Note(s)    : 1) Interrupts may or may not be ENABLED during this call.
void OSTimeTickHook (void)

时间: 2024-12-22 11:36:30


uC/OS II 任务切换原理

今天学习了uC/OS II的任务切换,知道要实现任务的切换,要将原先任务的寄存器压入任务堆栈,再将新任务中任务堆栈的寄存器内容弹出到CPU的寄存器,其中的CS.IP寄存器没有出栈和入栈指令,所以只能引发一次中断,自动将CS.IP寄存器压入堆栈,再利用中断返回,将新任务的任务断点指针弹出到CPU的CS.IP寄存器中,实现任务切换.虽然明白个大概,但是其中的细节却有点模糊,为什么调用IRET中断返回指令后,弹入CPU的CS.IP寄存器的断点指针是新任务的断点指针,而不是当前任务的,UCOS II是如

uC/OS II 函数说明 之–OSTaskCreate()与OSTaskCreateExt()

1. OSTaskCreate()    OSTaskCreate()建立一个新任务,能够在多任务环境启动之前,或者执行任务中建立任务.注意,ISR中禁止建立任务,一个任务必须为无限循环结构.        源码例如以下: #if OS_TASK_CREATE_EN > 0                    /* 条件编译,是否同意任务的创建               */INT8U  OSTaskCreate (void (*task)(void *pd), /* 函数指针,void *


1.微内核 与Linux的首要区别是,它是一个微内核,内核所实现的功能非常简单,主要包括: 一些通用函数,如TaskCreate(),OSMutexPend(),OSQPost()等. 中断处理函数,且处理函数非常简单,一般仅是向相应的Task发消息,唤醒该Task来处理中断任务. 一个高效的调度器,这是OS的灵魂,实现多任务间的调度(包括调度点.调度算法.任务切换等). 好像就这么点,呵呵.它不支持内存保护,即不像Linux那样分用户空间.内核空间.如一个Task运行时,可调用内核函数Task

UC/OS操作系统 (转)

1.和其他一些著名的嵌入式操作系统不同,uC/OS-II在单片机系统中的启动过程比较简单,不像有些操作系统那样,需要把内核编译成一个映像文件写入ROM中,上电复位后,再从ROM中把文件加载到RAM中去,然后再运行应用程序.uC/OS-II的内核是和应用程序放在一起编译成一个文件的,使用者只需要把这个文件转换成HEX格式,写入ROM中就可以了,上电后,会像普通的单片机程序一样运行. 2.uC/OS-II的移植也是一件需要值得注意的工作.如果没有现成的移植实例的话,就必须自己来编写移植代码.虽然只需

uc/os iii移植到STM32F4---IAR开发环境

也许是先入为主的原因,时钟用不惯Keil环境,大多数的教程都是拿keil写的,尝试将官方的uc/os iii 移植到IAR环境. 1.首先尝试从官网上下载的官方移植的代码,编译通过,但是执行会报堆栈溢出警告(为何keil没有报堆栈溢出??),网上有人说不用理会,但是实际使用时发生了错误(定义的常量数组值被改变,怀疑是堆栈溢出导致),发现使用的IAR版本不能完美支持使用的STM32芯片,换用高版本测试..(高版本正确,与低版本对芯片的支持有关) 2.开始时虽然会堆栈溢出,但是能够进入异常中断,进入


基搭建LAMP环境,并实践基于DNS做基于域名的虚拟主机中的环境,重新搭建一个同样的环境 要求: a)实现web服务文件更新的自动同步到另一台机器上 b)数据库实现主从复制 c)通过shell脚本实现网站源代码备份和mysql备份,备份策略包括全量备份.增量备份.差异备份 a,实现web服务文件更新的自动同步到另一台机器上: 1,在httpd服务器上建立基于FQDN的两个虚拟web站点,并创建相关目录. 2,修改测试windows主机的hosts文件,并编辑两个虚拟web站点对应的目录下的ind


http://blog.csdn.net/tommy_wxie/article/details/8194276 1. 序曲 在用户态,读写文件可以通过read和write这两个系统调用来完成(C库函数实际上是对系统调用的封装). 但是,在内核态没有这样的系统调用,我们又该如何读写文件呢? 阅读Linux内核源码,可以知道陷入内核执行的是实际执行的是sys_read和sys_write这两个函数,但是这两个函数没有使用EXPORT_SYMBOL导出,也就是说其他模块不能使用. 在fs/open.c

【转】在linux内核中读写文件 -- 不错

原文网址:http://blog.csdn.net/tommy_wxie/article/details/8194276 1. 序曲 在用户态,读写文件可以通过read和write这两个系统调用来完成(C库函数实际上是对系统调用的封装). 但是,在内核态没有这样的系统调用,我们又该如何读写文件呢? 阅读linux内核源码,可以知道陷入内核执行的是实际执行的是sys_read和sys_write这两个函数,但是这两个函数没有使用EXPORT_SYMBOL导出,也就是说其他模块不能使用. 在fs/o


1 LES BX, DWORD PTR DS:_OSTCBCur ;取得任务堆栈指针ES:[BX] 2 MOV ES:[BX+2], SS ;将当前SS(栈的基地址)寄存器值存放至当前任务堆栈的2,3内存单元 3 MOV ES:[BX+0], SP ;将当前SP(栈顶的偏移量)存放至当前任务堆栈的0,1内存单元 首先讲讲LES指针的功能:LES的功能有点像C语言的*. LES REG,MEM 参与操作的寄存器不仅有REG,还有ES寄存器.在16位系统中,寄存器为16位,很显然,MEM所指向的内存