Using the New Device Emulation Interface The Device Emulation interface changed a bit with the newer version of Chrome Dev Tools. Here are the instructions for emulating the required device characteristics in the new UI: Select Edit from the Responsi
转自: Installation Install Chrome Dev Editor on Chrome Open Chrome Dev Editor from the Chrome App Launcher or chrome://apps Git workflow Click on the Menu icon and select
在Google IO 2014期间,一位Google工程师带来了Chrome Dev Editor(CDE).该IDE用于创建面向桌面和移动设备的Chrome应用程序和Web应用程序.CDE支持JavaScript和Dart. Chrome Dev Editor是Google试图简化开发的又一款工具,它本身就是作为一个Chrome应用程序构建.它可以从Chrome Web商店安装,而且带有若干模板,用于为使用Polymer的JavaScript应用程序.Polymer组件.Web Starter
Google Chrome在招来了FireFox,FireBug的项目组领导人John J. Barton后,Chrome Dev Tools也变的越来越好用,越来越方便了.本文根据Google I/O上对Chrome Dev Tools的介绍(,和相关PPT: 整理而来.(参照的Chrom