[转][Windbg] Windows Memory Analysis Checklist



  • Symbol servers (.symfix)
  • Internal database(s) search
  • Google or Microsoft search for suspected components as this could be a known issue. Sometimes a simple search immediately points to the fix on a vendor?ˉs site
  • The tool used to save a dump (to flag false positive, incomplete or inconsistent dumps)
  • OS/SP version (version)
  • Language
  • Debug time
  • System uptime
  • Computer name (dS srv!srvcomputername or !envvar COMPUTERNAME)
  • List of loaded and unloaded modules (lmv or !dlls)
  • Hardware configuration (!sysinfo)
  • .kframes 1000

Application or service:

  • Default analysis (!analyze -v or !analyze -v -hang for hangs)
  • Critical sections (!cs -s -l -o, !locks) for both crashes and hangs
  • Component timestamps, duplication and paths. DLL Hell- (lmv and !dlls)
  • Do any newer components exist-
  • Process threads (~*kv or !uniqstack) for multiple exceptions and blocking functions
  • Process uptime
  • Your components on the full raw stack of the problem thread
  • Your components on the full raw stack of the main application thread
  • Process size
  • Number of threads
  • Gflags value (!gflag)
  • Time consumed by threads (!runaway)
  • Environment (!peb)
  • Import table (!dh)
  • Hooked functions (!chkimg)
  • Exception handlers (!exchain)
  • Computer name (!envvar COMPUTERNAME)
  • Process heap stats and validation (!heap -s, !heap -s -v)
  • CLR threads- (mscorwks or clr modules on stack traces) Yes: use .NET checklist below
  • Hidden (unhandled and handled) exceptions on thread raw stacks

System hang:

  • Default analysis (!analyze -v -hang)
  • ERESOURCE contention (!locks)
  • Processes and virtual memory including session space (!vm 4)
  • Important services are present and not hanging
  • Pools (!poolused)
  • Waiting threads (!stacks)
  • Critical system queues (!exqueue f)
  • I/O (!irpfind)
  • The list of all thread stack traces (!process 0 3f)
  • LPC/ALPC chain for suspected threads (!lpc message or !alpc /m after search for "Waiting for reply to LPC" or "Waiting for reply to ALPC" in !process 0 3f output)
  • RPC threads (search for "RPCRT4!OSF" in !process 0 3f output)
  • Mutants (search for "Mutants - owning thread" in !process 0 3f output)
  • Critical sections for suspected processes (!cs -l -o -s)
  • Sessions, session processes (!session, !sprocess)
  • Processes (size, handle table size) (!process 0 0)
  • Running threads (!running)
  • Ready threads (!ready)
  • DPC queues (!dpcs)
  • The list of APCs (!apc)
  • Internal queued spinlocks (!qlocks)
  • Computer name (dS srv!srvcomputername)
  • File cache, VACB (!filecache)
  • File objects for blocked thread IRPs (!irp -> !fileobj)
  • Network (!ndiskd.miniports and !ndiskd.pktpools)
  • Disk (!scsikd.classext -> !scsikd.classext class_device 2)
  • Modules rdbss, mrxdav, mup, mrxsmb in stack traces
  • Functions Ntfs!Ntfs, nt!Fs and fltmgr!Flt* in stack traces


  • Default analysis (!analyze -v)
  • Pool address (!pool)
  • Component timestamps (lmv)
  • Processes and virtual memory (!vm 4)
  • Current threads on other processors
  • Raw stack
  • Bugcheck description (including ln exception address for corrupt or truncated dumps)
  • Bugcheck callback data (!bugdump for systems prior to Windows XP SP1)
  • Bugcheck secondary callback data (.enumtag)
  • Computer name (dS srv!srvcomputername)
  • Hardware configuration (!sysinfo)

.NET application or service:

  • CLR module and SOS extension versions (lmv and .chain)
  • Managed exceptions (~*e !pe)
  • Nested managed exceptions (!pe -nested)
  • Managed threads (!Threads -special)
  • Managed stack traces (~*e !CLRStack)
  • Managed execution residue (~*e !DumpStackObjects and !DumpRuntimeTypes)
  • Managed heap (!VerifyHeap, !DumpHeap -stat and !eeheap -gc)
  • GC handles (!GCHandles, !GCHandleLeaks)
  • Finalizer queue (!FinalizeQueue)
  • Sync blocks (!syncblk)


时间: 2024-08-01 18:00:49

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对于以下的代码查询建议使用ctrl+F查询,而且很多蓝屏与黑屏的问题多是最近操作引起的,例如更新驱动,安装新的硬件.软件--把相关的配置调到最近的正常状况大多可以解决,确实不行时方可考虑重装系统,解决问题的大法,不过重装系统前请注意做好备份工作! 蓝屏代码含义 (代码已经做了省略,每个的x后面都少了4个0) 0 0x0000 作业完成.1 0x0001 不正确的函数.2 0x0002 系统找不到指定的档案.3 0x0003 系统找不到指定的路径.4 0x0004 系统无法开启档案.5 0x000