对于一些我们需要求出的变量a[1~n],我们现在知道n个方程组(有解的情况下),每个方程均是类似原版消元那样带了个系数的,只不过这个系数只有0和1,那么我们第i个方程用x[i, 1~n]表示a[1~n]的系数,然后x[n+1]为这个方程的右式
(x[1,1]*a[1])^(x[1,2]*a[2])^...^(x[1,n]*a[n])=x[1, n+1]
(x[2,1]*a[1])^(x[2,2]*a[2])^...^(x[2,n]*a[n])=x[2, n+1]
(x[n,1]*a[1])^(x[n,2]*a[2])^...^(x[n,n]*a[n])=x[n, n+1]
(x[1,1]*a[1])^(x[1,2]*a[2])^...^(x[1,n]*a[n])=x[1, n+1]
(x[2,1]*a[1])^(x[2,2]*a[2])^...^(x[2,n]*a[n])=x[2, n+1]
当x[1, 1]=x[2, 1]=1时,我们要消掉x[2, 1],那么我们将这两个式子的所有项都异或就行了,原理就是a=c, b=d, a^b=c^d
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> using namespace std; #define rep(i, n) for(int i=0; i<(n); ++i) #define for1(i,a,n) for(int i=(a);i<=(n);++i) #define for2(i,a,n) for(int i=(a);i<(n);++i) #define for3(i,a,n) for(int i=(a);i>=(n);--i) #define for4(i,a,n) for(int i=(a);i>(n);--i) #define CC(i,a) memset(i,a,sizeof(i)) #define read(a) a=getint() #define print(a) printf("%d", a) #define dbg(x) cout << (#x) << " = " << (x) << endl #define printarr2(a, b, c) for1(_, 1, b) { for1(__, 1, c) cout << a[_][__]; cout << endl; } #define printarr1(a, b) for1(_, 1, b) cout << a[_] << ‘\t‘; cout << endl inline const int getint() { int r=0, k=1; char c=getchar(); for(; c<‘0‘||c>‘9‘; c=getchar()) if(c==‘-‘) k=-1; for(; c>=‘0‘&&c<=‘9‘; c=getchar()) r=r*10+c-‘0‘; return k*r; } inline const int max(const int &a, const int &b) { return a>b?a:b; } inline const int min(const int &a, const int &b) { return a<b?a:b; } const int N=35; typedef int mtx[N][N]; mtx a; void gauss(mtx A, int n) { for1(i, 1, n) { int now=i; while(!A[now][i] && now<=n) ++now; for1(j, 1, n+1) swap(A[now][j], A[i][j]); for1(j, i+1, n) if(A[j][i]) for1(k, i, n+1) A[j][k]^=A[i][k]; } for3(i, n, 1) for1(j, i+1, n) if(A[i][j]) A[i][n+1]^=A[j][n+1]; } int main() { int cs=getint(); for1(ttt, 1, cs) { CC(a, 0); for1(i, 1, 30) { read(a[i][31]); a[i][i]=1; if(i%6!=1) a[i][i-1]=1; if(i%6!=0) a[i][i+1]=1; if(i>6) a[i][i-6]=1; if(i<25) a[i][i+6]=1; } gauss(a, 30); printf("PUZZLE #%d\n", ttt); for1(i, 1, 30) { printf("%d ", a[i][31]); if(i%6==0) puts(""); } } return 0; }
Description In an extended version of the game Lights Out, is a puzzle with 5 rows of 6 buttons each (the actual puzzle has 5 rows of 5 buttons each). Each button has a light. When a button is pressed, that button and each of its (up to four) neighbors above, below, right and left, has the state of its light reversed. (If on, the light is turned off; if off, the light is turned on.) Buttons in the corners change the state of 3 buttons; buttons on an edge change the state of 4 buttons and other buttons change the state of 5. For example, if the buttons marked X on the left below were to be pressed,the display would change to the image on the right. Input The first line of the input is a positive integer n which is the number of puzzles that follow. Each puzzle will be five lines, each of which has six 0 or 1 separated by one or more spaces. A 0 indicates that the light is off, while a 1 indicates that the light is on initially. Output For each puzzle, the output consists of a line with the string: "PUZZLE #m", where m is the index of the puzzle in the input file. Following that line, is a puzzle-like display (in the same format as the input) . In this case, 1‘s indicate buttons that must be pressed to solve the puzzle, while 0 indicate buttons, which are not pressed. There should be exactly one space between each 0 or 1 in the output puzzle-like display. Sample Input 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Sample Output PUZZLE #1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 PUZZLE #2 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 Source |