布局文件提示错误“No orientation specified, and the default is horizontal. This is a common so...”

完整的错误提示信息为:No orientation specified, and the default is horizontal. This is a common source of bugs when

children are added dynamically.


horizontal or vertical


android:orientation = "vertical"

android:orientation = "horizontal"


布局文件提示错误“No orientation specified, and the default is horizontal. This is a common so...”

时间: 2024-08-03 05:25:51

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参考:http://blog.csdn.net/sky_monkey/article/details/21466975 整的错误提示信息为: No orientation specified, and the default is horizontal. This is a common source of bugs whenchildren are added dynamically. 通常发生这个错误提示的原因是我们直接在原有的页面上把别的布局标签改成<LinearLayout>,但是使用

No orientation specified, and the default is horizontal.

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No orientation specified, and the default is

链接地址:http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/a24b33cd7722dc19fe002bd0.html No orientation specified, and the default is horizontal. This is a common source of bugs when children are added dynamically. 没有方向指定,默认是水平的. 工具/原料 eclipse ADT JDK 方法/步骤 出现这种问题是因为直接布局

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