C# .net 如何根据访问者IP获取所在地区


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Net;

using System.IO;

using System.Diagnostics;

public class RedirectMode


public static readonly int Mode_1 = 1;

public static readonly int Mode_2 = 2;


public class IPFormat


public static readonly int HeaderLength = 8;

public static readonly int IndexRecLength = 7;

public static readonly int IndexOffset = 3;

public static readonly int RecOffsetLength = 3;

public static readonly string UnknownCountry = "未知的国家";

public static readonly string UnknownZone = "未知的地区";

public static uint ToUint(byte[] val)


if (val.Length > 4) throw new ArgumentException();

if (val.Length < 4)


byte[] copyBytes = new byte[4];

Array.Copy(val, 0, copyBytes, 0, val.Length);

return BitConverter.ToUInt32(copyBytes, 0);




return BitConverter.ToUInt32(val, 0);




public class IPLocation


private IPAddress m_ip;

private string m_country;

private string m_loc;

public IPLocation(IPAddress ip, string country, string loc)


m_ip = ip;

m_country = country;

m_loc = loc;


public IPAddress IP


get { return m_ip; }


public string Country


get { return m_country; }


public string Zone


get { return m_loc; }



/// <summary>

/// This class used to control ip seek

/// </summary>

public class IPSeeker


private string m_libPath;

private uint m_indexStart;

private uint m_indexEnd;

public IPSeeker(string libPath)


m_libPath = libPath;

//Locate the index block

using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(m_libPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))


BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs);

Byte[] header = reader.ReadBytes(IPFormat.HeaderLength);

m_indexStart = BitConverter.ToUInt32(header, 0);

m_indexEnd = BitConverter.ToUInt32(header, 4);



/// <summary>

/// 输入IP地址,获取IP所在的地区信息

/// </summary>

/// <param name="ip">待查询的IP地址</param>

/// <returns></returns>

public IPLocation GetLocation(IPAddress ip)


using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(m_libPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))


BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs);

//Because it is network order(BigEndian), so we need to transform it into LittleEndian

Byte[] givenIpBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt32(ip.GetAddressBytes(), 0)));

uint offset = FindStartPos(fs, reader, m_indexStart, m_indexEnd, givenIpBytes);

return GetIPInfo(fs, reader, offset, ip, givenIpBytes);



#region private method

private uint FindStartPos(FileStream fs, BinaryReader reader, uint m_indexStart, uint m_indexEnd, byte[] givenIp)


uint givenVal = BitConverter.ToUInt32(givenIp, 0);

fs.Position = m_indexStart;

while (fs.Position <= m_indexEnd)


Byte[] bytes = reader.ReadBytes(IPFormat.IndexRecLength);

uint curVal = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0);

if (curVal > givenVal)


fs.Position = fs.Position - 2 * IPFormat.IndexRecLength;

bytes = reader.ReadBytes(IPFormat.IndexRecLength);

byte[] offsetByte = new byte[4];

Array.Copy(bytes, 4, offsetByte, 0, 3);

return BitConverter.ToUInt32(offsetByte, 0);



return 0;


private IPLocation GetIPInfo(FileStream fs, BinaryReader reader, long offset, IPAddress ipToLoc, Byte[] ipBytes)


fs.Position = offset;

//To confirm that the given ip is within the range of record IP range

byte[] endIP = reader.ReadBytes(4);

uint endIpVal = BitConverter.ToUInt32(endIP, 0);

uint ipVal = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ipBytes, 0);

if (endIpVal < ipVal) return null;

string country;

string zone;

//Read the Redirection pattern byte

Byte pattern = reader.ReadByte();

if (pattern == RedirectMode.Mode_1)


Byte[] countryOffsetBytes = reader.ReadBytes(IPFormat.RecOffsetLength);

uint countryOffset = IPFormat.ToUint(countryOffsetBytes);

if (countryOffset == 0) return GetUnknownLocation(ipToLoc);

fs.Position = countryOffset;

if (fs.ReadByte() == RedirectMode.Mode_2)


return ReadMode2Record(fs, reader, ipToLoc);





country = ReadString(reader);

zone = ReadZone(fs, reader, Convert.ToUInt32(fs.Position));



else if (pattern == RedirectMode.Mode_2)


return ReadMode2Record(fs, reader, ipToLoc);





country = ReadString(reader);

zone = ReadZone(fs, reader, Convert.ToUInt32(fs.Position));


return new IPLocation(ipToLoc, country, zone);


//When it is in Mode 2

private IPLocation ReadMode2Record(FileStream fs, BinaryReader reader, IPAddress ip)


uint countryOffset = IPFormat.ToUint(reader.ReadBytes(IPFormat.RecOffsetLength));

uint curOffset = Convert.ToUInt32(fs.Position);

if (countryOffset == 0) return GetUnknownLocation(ip);

fs.Position = countryOffset;

string country = ReadString(reader);

string zone = ReadZone(fs, reader, curOffset);

return new IPLocation(ip, country, zone);


//return a Unknown Location

private IPLocation GetUnknownLocation(IPAddress ip)


string country = IPFormat.UnknownCountry;

string zone = IPFormat.UnknownZone;

return new IPLocation(ip, country, zone);


//Retrieve the zone info

private string ReadZone(FileStream fs, BinaryReader reader, uint offset)


fs.Position = offset;

byte b = reader.ReadByte();

if (b == RedirectMode.Mode_1 || b == RedirectMode.Mode_2)


uint zoneOffset = IPFormat.ToUint(reader.ReadBytes(3));

if (zoneOffset == 0) return IPFormat.UnknownZone;

return ReadZone(fs, reader, zoneOffset);





return ReadString(reader);



private string ReadString(BinaryReader reader)


List<byte> stringLst = new List<byte>();

byte byteRead = 0;

while ((byteRead = reader.ReadByte()) != 0)




return Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312").GetString(stringLst.ToArray());





using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Configuration;

using System.Data;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Security;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class Default2 : System.Web.UI.Page


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


string ip = Request.ServerVariables.Get("REMOTE_ADDR");//自动获取用户IP

//string ip = TextBox1.Text.Trim();

if (ip == string.Empty) return;

IPSeeker seeker = new IPSeeker(Server.MapPath(@"data/QQWry.Dat"));//纯真IP地址库存放目录!!

System.Net.IPAddress ipaddr = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(ip);

IPLocation loc = seeker.GetLocation(ipaddr);

if (loc == null)




Response.Write("<script>alert(‘地址:" + loc.Country + loc.Zone + "‘)</script>");



转自:http://blog.163.com/[email protected]/blog/static/10535715420130551630863/

C# .net 如何根据访问者IP获取所在地区

时间: 2024-10-12 23:07:44

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