1.需求 在文本界面输入SQL语句,查询相应的数据,例如输入下面的语句 print(''' 支持大小写的SQL语句查询,大写或者小写都可以 1. select * from db1.emp 2. select * from db1.emp limit 4 3. select * from db1.emp where id > 24 4. select * from db1.emp where name like 李 5. select * from db1.emp where id > 10
SQL Terms, Functions, and Concepts MongoDB Aggregation Operators WHERE $match GROUP BY $group HAVING $match SELECT $project ORDER BY $sort LIMIT $limit SUM() $sum COUNT() $sum join No direct corresponding operator; however, the $unwindoperator allows
1.两个不同数据库对应字段相应操作 //操作模版:insert into data2.table2(字段1,字段2,字段) select 字段j,字段k,字段m from data1.table1举例:insert into Hospitals.dbo.Deparments(DepartmentName) select distinct(Departments)from NanFan.dbo.UserInfo where Unit='南方医院'//更新update Hospitals.dbo.U