config windows virtual machine on mac virtualbox  and related extension pack from

2. download the windows virtual machine from

3. install virtual machine

a. open virtualbox, click "File", then click "import Appliance", then select ova file to import.

4. install "Virtualbox Guest Additions"

a) open the installed virtual machine.

b) on virtual box menu bar, click "Devices", click "insert Guest Additions CD image ...‘.

c) find the mounted "CD Drive(D:) Virtualbox Guest Additions", click the install app "VboxWindowsAdditions.exe".

5. config the sharefolder,copy ie10.bat, folder IEDriverServer_Win32_2.45.0, and selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar from sharefolder to "Downloads" folder on windows.

6. install jdk on windows and config the System path environment variable for java.

7. config the path for IEDriverServer.

8. install privoxy and config the main configuration.

find the "forward-socks5t" line, remove the end "t" and change the port to 1080.

9. install shadowsocks.

config server: ip:, port: 8388, proxy port :1080, password:spondwin2015.

change mode to "Globle"

enable menus: start on boot, Allow clients from LAN,  Enable system proxy.

10. config internet explorer to enable LAN proxy with proxy sever :, port:1080.

11. config the NetWork Adapter to "Bridaget Adapter"

12. after config finished, take a screenshot of current status to extend the days of windows valid.

时间: 2024-08-11 01:37:49

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