【Java&Android开源库代码剖析】のandroid-async-http の网络响应ResponseHandlerInter




package com.loopj.android.http;

import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;

 * Interface to standardize implementations
public interface ResponseHandlerInterface {

     * Returns data whether request completed successfully
     * @param response HttpResponse object with data
     * @throws java.io.IOException if retrieving data from response fails
    void sendResponseMessage(HttpResponse response) throws IOException;

     * Notifies callback, that request started execution
    void sendStartMessage();

     * Notifies callback, that request was completed and is being removed from thread pool
    void sendFinishMessage();

     * Notifies callback, that request (mainly uploading) has progressed
     * @param bytesWritten number of written bytes
     * @param bytesTotal   number of total bytes to be written
    void sendProgressMessage(int bytesWritten, int bytesTotal);

     * Notifies callback, that request was cancelled
    void sendCancelMessage();

     * Notifies callback, that request was handled successfully
     * @param statusCode   HTTP status code
     * @param headers      returned headers
     * @param responseBody returned data
    void sendSuccessMessage(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody);

     * Returns if request was completed with error code or failure of implementation
     * @param statusCode   returned HTTP status code
     * @param headers      returned headers
     * @param responseBody returned data
     * @param error        cause of request failure
    void sendFailureMessage(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody, Throwable error);

     * Notifies callback of retrying request
     * @param retryNo number of retry within one request
    void sendRetryMessage(int retryNo);

     * Returns URI which was used to request
     * @return uri of origin request
    public URI getRequestURI();

     * Returns Header[] which were used to request
     * @return headers from origin request
    public Header[] getRequestHeaders();

     * Helper for handlers to receive Request URI info
     * @param requestURI claimed request URI
    public void setRequestURI(URI requestURI);

     * Helper for handlers to receive Request Header[] info
     * @param requestHeaders Headers, claimed to be from original request
    public void setRequestHeaders(Header[] requestHeaders);

     * Can set, whether the handler should be asynchronous or synchronous
     * @param useSynchronousMode whether data should be handled on background Thread on UI Thread
    void setUseSynchronousMode(boolean useSynchronousMode);

     * Returns whether the handler is asynchronous or synchronous
     * @return boolean if the ResponseHandler is running in synchronous mode
    boolean getUseSynchronousMode();

     * This method is called once by the system when the response is about to be
     * processed by the system. The library makes sure that a single response
     * is pre-processed only once.
     * Please note: pre-processing does NOT run on the main thread, and thus
     * any UI activities that you must perform should be properly dispatched to
     * the app's UI thread.
     * @param instance An instance of this response object
     * @param response The response to pre-processed
    void onPreProcessResponse(ResponseHandlerInterface instance, HttpResponse response);

     * This method is called once by the system when the request has been fully
     * sent, handled and finished. The library makes sure that a single response
     * is post-processed only once.
     * Please note: post-processing does NOT run on the main thread, and thus
     * any UI activities that you must perform should be properly dispatched to
     * the app's UI thread.
     * @param instance An instance of this response object
     * @param response The response to post-process
    void onPostProcessResponse(ResponseHandlerInterface instance, HttpResponse response);



    protected static final int SUCCESS_MESSAGE = 0;
    protected static final int FAILURE_MESSAGE = 1;
    protected static final int START_MESSAGE = 2;
    protected static final int FINISH_MESSAGE = 3;
    protected static final int PROGRESS_MESSAGE = 4;
    protected static final int RETRY_MESSAGE = 5;
    protected static final int CANCEL_MESSAGE = 6;


     * Avoid leaks by using a non-anonymous handler class.
    private static class ResponderHandler extends Handler {
        private final AsyncHttpResponseHandler mResponder;

        ResponderHandler(AsyncHttpResponseHandler mResponder, Looper looper) {
            this.mResponder = mResponder;

        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {


    // Methods which emulate android's Handler and Message methods
    protected void handleMessage(Message message) {
        Object[] response;

        switch (message.what) {
            case SUCCESS_MESSAGE:
                response = (Object[]) message.obj;
                if (response != null && response.length >= 3) {
                    onSuccess((Integer) response[0], (Header[]) response[1], (byte[]) response[2]);
                } else {
                    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "SUCCESS_MESSAGE didn't got enough params");
            case FAILURE_MESSAGE:
                response = (Object[]) message.obj;
                if (response != null && response.length >= 4) {
                    onFailure((Integer) response[0], (Header[]) response[1], (byte[]) response[2], (Throwable) response[3]);
                } else {
                    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "FAILURE_MESSAGE didn't got enough params");
            case START_MESSAGE:
            case FINISH_MESSAGE:
            case PROGRESS_MESSAGE:
                response = (Object[]) message.obj;
                if (response != null && response.length >= 2) {
                    try {
                        onProgress((Integer) response[0], (Integer) response[1]);
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "custom onProgress contains an error", t);
                } else {
                    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "PROGRESS_MESSAGE didn't got enough params");
            case RETRY_MESSAGE:
                response = (Object[]) message.obj;
                if (response != null && response.length == 1) {
                    onRetry((Integer) response[0]);
                } else {
                    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "RETRY_MESSAGE didn't get enough params");
            case CANCEL_MESSAGE:



    final public void sendStartMessage() {
        sendMessage(obtainMessage(START_MESSAGE, null));

     * Fired when the request is started, override to handle in your own code
    public void onStart() {
        // default log warning is not necessary, because this method is just optional notification



    final public void sendFinishMessage() {
        sendMessage(obtainMessage(FINISH_MESSAGE, null));
     * Fired in all cases when the request is finished, after both success and failure, override to
     * handle in your own code
    public void onFinish() {
        // default log warning is not necessary, because this method is just optional notification



    final public void sendSuccessMessage(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBytes) {
        sendMessage(obtainMessage(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, new Object[]{statusCode, headers, responseBytes}));
     * Fired when a request returns successfully, override to handle in your own code
     * @param statusCode   the status code of the response
     * @param headers      return headers, if any
     * @param responseBody the body of the HTTP response from the server
    public abstract void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody);



    final public void sendFailureMessage(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody, Throwable throwable) {
        sendMessage(obtainMessage(FAILURE_MESSAGE, new Object[]{statusCode, headers, responseBody, throwable}));
     * Fired when a request fails to complete, override to handle in your own code
     * @param statusCode   return HTTP status code
     * @param headers      return headers, if any
     * @param responseBody the response body, if any
     * @param error        the underlying cause of the failure
    public abstract void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody, Throwable error);



    final public void sendProgressMessage(int bytesWritten, int bytesTotal) {
        sendMessage(obtainMessage(PROGRESS_MESSAGE, new Object[]{bytesWritten, bytesTotal}));
     * Fired when the request progress, override to handle in your own code
     * @param bytesWritten offset from start of file
     * @param totalSize    total size of file
    public void onProgress(int bytesWritten, int totalSize) {
        Log.v(LOG_TAG, String.format("Progress %d from %d (%2.0f%%)", bytesWritten, totalSize, (totalSize > 0) ? (bytesWritten * 1.0 / totalSize) * 100 : -1));



    final public void sendRetryMessage(int retryNo) {
        sendMessage(obtainMessage(RETRY_MESSAGE, new Object[]{retryNo}));
     * Fired when a retry occurs, override to handle in your own code
     * @param retryNo number of retry
    public void onRetry(int retryNo) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, String.format("Request retry no. %d", retryNo));



    final public void sendCancelMessage() {
        sendMessage(obtainMessage(CANCEL_MESSAGE, null));
    public void onCancel() {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Request got cancelled");



     * Creates a new AsyncHttpResponseHandler
    public AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {

     * Creates a new AsyncHttpResponseHandler with a user-supplied looper. If
     * the passed looper is null, the looper attached to the current thread will
     * be used.
     * @param looper The looper to work with
    public AsyncHttpResponseHandler(Looper looper) {
        this.looper = looper == null ? Looper.myLooper() : looper;
        // Use asynchronous mode by default.


    public void setUseSynchronousMode(boolean sync) {
        // A looper must be prepared before setting asynchronous mode.
        if (!sync && looper == null) {
            sync = true;
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Current thread has not called Looper.prepare(). Forcing synchronous mode.");

        // If using asynchronous mode.
        if (!sync && handler == null) {
            // Create a handler on current thread to submit tasks
            handler = new ResponderHandler(this, looper);
        } else if (sync && handler != null) {
            // TODO: Consider adding a flag to remove all queued messages.
            handler = null;

        useSynchronousMode = sync;


     * Helper method to send runnable into local handler loop
     * @param runnable runnable instance, can be null
    protected void postRunnable(Runnable runnable) {
        if (runnable != null) {
            if (getUseSynchronousMode() || handler == null) {
                // This response handler is synchronous, run on current thread
            } else {
                // Otherwise, run on provided handler
                AssertUtils.asserts(handler != null, "handler should not be null!");

     * Helper method to create Message instance from handler
     * @param responseMessageId   constant to identify Handler message
     * @param responseMessageData object to be passed to message receiver
     * @return Message instance, should not be null
    protected Message obtainMessage(int responseMessageId, Object responseMessageData) {
        return Message.obtain(handler, responseMessageId, responseMessageData);



    public static final String UTF8_BOM = "\uFEFF";
     * Attempts to encode response bytes as string of set encoding
     * @param charset     charset to create string with
     * @param stringBytes response bytes
     * @return String of set encoding or null
    public static String getResponseString(byte[] stringBytes, String charset) {
        try {
            String toReturn = (stringBytes == null) ? null : new String(stringBytes, charset);
            if (toReturn != null && toReturn.startsWith(UTF8_BOM)) {
                return toReturn.substring(1);
            return toReturn;
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Encoding response into string failed", e);
            return null;

可以看到,上面代码中专门针对UTF-8 BOM作了处理,什么是UTF-8 BOM呢?简单的讲,BOM(byte order mark)是为UTF-16和UTF-32准备的,用于标记字节序,即在文本文件开头放置了特殊字符\uFEFF,在UTF-8文件中放置BOM头主要出现在Windows系统上,这样是微软为了把UTF-8和ASCII等编码明确区分开来,但这样的文件在其他系统上会出现问题。因此我们将字节数组转换成字符串后,会判断字符串开头是否包含\uFEFF字符,如果存在,则去掉它。TextHttpResponseHandler的完整定义如下:

public abstract class TextHttpResponseHandler extends AsyncHttpResponseHandler {

    private static final String LOG_TAG = "TextHttpResponseHandler";

     * Creates new instance with default UTF-8 encoding
    public TextHttpResponseHandler() {

     * Creates new instance with given string encoding
     * @param encoding String encoding, see {@link #setCharset(String)}
    public TextHttpResponseHandler(String encoding) {

     * Called when request fails
     * @param statusCode     http response status line
     * @param headers        response headers if any
     * @param responseString string response of given charset
     * @param throwable      throwable returned when processing request
    public abstract void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, String responseString, Throwable throwable);

     * Called when request succeeds
     * @param statusCode     http response status line
     * @param headers        response headers if any
     * @param responseString string response of given charset
    public abstract void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, String responseString);

    public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBytes) {
        onSuccess(statusCode, headers, getResponseString(responseBytes, getCharset()));

    public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBytes, Throwable throwable) {
        onFailure(statusCode, headers, getResponseString(responseBytes, getCharset()), throwable);

     * Attempts to encode response bytes as string of set encoding
     * @param charset     charset to create string with
     * @param stringBytes response bytes
     * @return String of set encoding or null
    public static String getResponseString(byte[] stringBytes, String charset) {
        try {
            String toReturn = (stringBytes == null) ? null : new String(stringBytes, charset);
            if (toReturn != null && toReturn.startsWith(UTF8_BOM)) {
                return toReturn.substring(1);
            return toReturn;
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Encoding response into string failed", e);
            return null;



     * Returns Object of type {@link JSONObject}, {@link JSONArray}, String, Boolean, Integer, Long,
     * Double or {@link JSONObject#NULL}, see {@link org.json.JSONTokener#nextValue()}
     * @param responseBody response bytes to be assembled in String and parsed as JSON
     * @return Object parsedResponse
     * @throws org.json.JSONException exception if thrown while parsing JSON
    protected Object parseResponse(byte[] responseBody) throws JSONException {
        if (null == responseBody)
            return null;
        Object result = null;
        //trim the string to prevent start with blank, and test if the string is valid JSON, because the parser don't do this :(. If JSON is not valid this will return null
        String jsonString = getResponseString(responseBody, getCharset());
        if (jsonString != null) {
            jsonString = jsonString.trim();
            if (jsonString.startsWith(UTF8_BOM)) {
                jsonString = jsonString.substring(1);
            if (jsonString.startsWith("{") || jsonString.startsWith("[")) {
                result = new JSONTokener(jsonString).nextValue();
        if (result == null) {
            result = jsonString;
        return result;


public class JsonHttpResponseHandler extends TextHttpResponseHandler {

    private static final String LOG_TAG = "JsonHttpResponseHandler";

     * Creates new JsonHttpResponseHandler, with JSON String encoding UTF-8
    public JsonHttpResponseHandler() {

     * Creates new JsonHttpRespnseHandler with given JSON String encoding
     * @param encoding String encoding to be used when parsing JSON
    public JsonHttpResponseHandler(String encoding) {

     * Returns when request succeeds
     * @param statusCode http response status line
     * @param headers    response headers if any
     * @param response   parsed response if any
    public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, JSONObject response) {
        Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onSuccess(int, Header[], JSONObject) was not overriden, but callback was received");

     * Returns when request succeeds
     * @param statusCode http response status line
     * @param headers    response headers if any
     * @param response   parsed response if any
    public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, JSONArray response) {
        Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onSuccess(int, Header[], JSONArray) was not overriden, but callback was received");

     * Returns when request failed
     * @param statusCode    http response status line
     * @param headers       response headers if any
     * @param throwable     throwable describing the way request failed
     * @param errorResponse parsed response if any
    public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, Throwable throwable, JSONObject errorResponse) {
        Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onFailure(int, Header[], Throwable, JSONObject) was not overriden, but callback was received", throwable);

     * Returns when request failed
     * @param statusCode    http response status line
     * @param headers       response headers if any
     * @param throwable     throwable describing the way request failed
     * @param errorResponse parsed response if any
    public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, Throwable throwable, JSONArray errorResponse) {
        Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onFailure(int, Header[], Throwable, JSONArray) was not overriden, but callback was received", throwable);

    public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, String responseString, Throwable throwable) {
        Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onFailure(int, Header[], String, Throwable) was not overriden, but callback was received", throwable);

    public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, String responseString) {
        Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onSuccess(int, Header[], String) was not overriden, but callback was received");

    public final void onSuccess(final int statusCode, final Header[] headers, final byte[] responseBytes) {
        if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
            Runnable parser = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        final Object jsonResponse = parseResponse(responseBytes);
                        postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                if (jsonResponse instanceof JSONObject) {
                                    onSuccess(statusCode, headers, (JSONObject) jsonResponse);
                                } else if (jsonResponse instanceof JSONArray) {
                                    onSuccess(statusCode, headers, (JSONArray) jsonResponse);
                                } else if (jsonResponse instanceof String) {
                                    onFailure(statusCode, headers, (String) jsonResponse, new JSONException("Response cannot be parsed as JSON data"));
                                } else {
                                    onFailure(statusCode, headers, new JSONException("Unexpected response type " + jsonResponse.getClass().getName()), (JSONObject) null);

                    } catch (final JSONException ex) {
                        postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                onFailure(statusCode, headers, ex, (JSONObject) null);
            if (!getUseSynchronousMode()) {
                new Thread(parser).start();
            } else {
                // In synchronous mode everything should be run on one thread
        } else {
            onSuccess(statusCode, headers, new JSONObject());

    public final void onFailure(final int statusCode, final Header[] headers, final byte[] responseBytes, final Throwable throwable) {
        if (responseBytes != null) {
            Runnable parser = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        final Object jsonResponse = parseResponse(responseBytes);
                        postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                if (jsonResponse instanceof JSONObject) {
                                    onFailure(statusCode, headers, throwable, (JSONObject) jsonResponse);
                                } else if (jsonResponse instanceof JSONArray) {
                                    onFailure(statusCode, headers, throwable, (JSONArray) jsonResponse);
                                } else if (jsonResponse instanceof String) {
                                    onFailure(statusCode, headers, (String) jsonResponse, throwable);
                                } else {
                                    onFailure(statusCode, headers, new JSONException("Unexpected response type " + jsonResponse.getClass().getName()), (JSONObject) null);

                    } catch (final JSONException ex) {
                        postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                onFailure(statusCode, headers, ex, (JSONObject) null);

            if (!getUseSynchronousMode()) {
                new Thread(parser).start();
            } else {
                // In synchronous mode everything should be run on one thread
        } else {
            Log.v(LOG_TAG, "response body is null, calling onFailure(Throwable, JSONObject)");
            onFailure(statusCode, headers, throwable, (JSONObject) null);

     * Returns Object of type {@link JSONObject}, {@link JSONArray}, String, Boolean, Integer, Long,
     * Double or {@link JSONObject#NULL}, see {@link org.json.JSONTokener#nextValue()}
     * @param responseBody response bytes to be assembled in String and parsed as JSON
     * @return Object parsedResponse
     * @throws org.json.JSONException exception if thrown while parsing JSON
    protected Object parseResponse(byte[] responseBody) throws JSONException {
        if (null == responseBody)
            return null;
        Object result = null;
        //trim the string to prevent start with blank, and test if the string is valid JSON, because the parser don't do this :(. If JSON is not valid this will return null
        String jsonString = getResponseString(responseBody, getCharset());
        if (jsonString != null) {
            jsonString = jsonString.trim();
            if (jsonString.startsWith(UTF8_BOM)) {
                jsonString = jsonString.substring(1);
            if (jsonString.startsWith("{") || jsonString.startsWith("[")) {
                result = new JSONTokener(jsonString).nextValue();
        if (result == null) {
            result = jsonString;
        return result;


这个ResponseHandler类是为了兼容第三方Json格式解析库而实现的,如果应用中使用第三方JSON Parser例如GSON,Jackson JSON等来实现Json的解析,那么就不能使用上面介绍的JsonHttpResponseHandler类来处理服务器返回的数据,这时可以继承BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler这个抽象类来实现解析的需求。BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler使用泛型来兼容不同的第三方JSON解析库,它与JsonHttpResponseHandler唯一的不同在于parseResponse函数的实现,将该函数设置抽象函数,供子类实现具体逻辑。完整代码如下:

public abstract class BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler<JSON_TYPE> extends TextHttpResponseHandler {
    private static final String LOG_TAG = "BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler";

     * Creates a new JsonHttpResponseHandler with default charset "UTF-8"
    public BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler() {

     * Creates a new JsonHttpResponseHandler with given string encoding
     * @param encoding result string encoding, see <a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/charset/Charset.html">Charset</a>
    public BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler(String encoding) {

     * Base abstract method, handling defined generic type
     * @param statusCode      HTTP status line
     * @param headers         response headers
     * @param rawJsonResponse string of response, can be null
     * @param response        response returned by {@link #parseResponse(String, boolean)}
    public abstract void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, String rawJsonResponse, JSON_TYPE response);

     * Base abstract method, handling defined generic type
     * @param statusCode    HTTP status line
     * @param headers       response headers
     * @param throwable     error thrown while processing request
     * @param rawJsonData   raw string data returned if any
     * @param errorResponse response returned by {@link #parseResponse(String, boolean)}
    public abstract void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, Throwable throwable, String rawJsonData, JSON_TYPE errorResponse);

    public final void onSuccess(final int statusCode, final Header[] headers, final String responseString) {
        if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
            Runnable parser = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        final JSON_TYPE jsonResponse = parseResponse(responseString, false);
                        postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                onSuccess(statusCode, headers, responseString, jsonResponse);
                    } catch (final Throwable t) {
                        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "parseResponse thrown an problem", t);
                        postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                onFailure(statusCode, headers, t, responseString, null);
            if (!getUseSynchronousMode()) {
                new Thread(parser).start();
            } else {
                // In synchronous mode everything should be run on one thread
        } else {
            onSuccess(statusCode, headers, null, null);

    public final void onFailure(final int statusCode, final Header[] headers, final String responseString, final Throwable throwable) {
        if (responseString != null) {
            Runnable parser = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        final JSON_TYPE jsonResponse = parseResponse(responseString, true);
                        postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                onFailure(statusCode, headers, throwable, responseString, jsonResponse);
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "parseResponse thrown an problem", t);
                        postRunnable(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                onFailure(statusCode, headers, throwable, responseString, null);
            if (!getUseSynchronousMode()) {
                new Thread(parser).start();
            } else {
                // In synchronous mode everything should be run on one thread
        } else {
            onFailure(statusCode, headers, throwable, null, null);

     * Should return deserialized instance of generic type, may return object for more vague
     * handling
     * @param rawJsonData response string, may be null
     * @param isFailure   indicating if this method is called from onFailure or not
     * @return object of generic type or possibly null if you choose so
     * @throws Throwable allows you to throw anything from within deserializing JSON response
    protected abstract JSON_TYPE parseResponse(String rawJsonData, boolean isFailure) throws Throwable;


 * 针对Gson进行的特例化
 * @author asce1885
 * @date 2014-03-03
 * @param <T>
public abstract class GsonHttpResponseHandler<T> extends BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler<T> {

     private Class<T> clazz;

     public GsonHttpResponseHandler(Class<T> clazz) {
          this.clazz = clazz;

     protected T parseResponse(String rawJsonData, boolean isFailure)
          throws Throwable {
          if (!isFailure && !TextUtils.isEmpty(rawJsonData)) {
               return GSONUtils.parseJson(clazz, rawJsonData);
          return null;

 * 封装Gson函数库
 * @author asce1885
 * @date 2014-03-03
public class GSONUtils {

     private static final String TAG = GSONUtils.class.getSimpleName();

     public static Gson gson = new Gson();

     public static <T> T parseJson(Class<T> cls, String json) {
          try {
               return gson.fromJson(json, cls);
          } catch(JsonSyntaxException e) {
               LogUtils.e(TAG, e.getMessage());

          return null;

     public static String toJson(Object src) {
          try {
               return gson.toJson(src);
          } catch(JsonSyntaxException e) {
               LogUtils.e(TAG, e.getMessage());

          return null;





public abstract class BinaryHttpResponseHandler extends AsyncHttpResponseHandler {

    private static final String LOG_TAG = "BinaryHttpResponseHandler";

    private String[] mAllowedContentTypes = new String[]{

     * Method can be overriden to return allowed content types, can be sometimes better than passing
     * data in constructor
     * @return array of content-types or Pattern string templates (eg. '.*' to match every response)
    public String[] getAllowedContentTypes() {
        return mAllowedContentTypes;

     * Creates a new BinaryHttpResponseHandler
    public BinaryHttpResponseHandler() {

     * Creates a new BinaryHttpResponseHandler, and overrides the default allowed content types with
     * passed String array (hopefully) of content types.
     * @param allowedContentTypes content types array, eg. 'image/jpeg' or pattern '.*'
    public BinaryHttpResponseHandler(String[] allowedContentTypes) {
        if (allowedContentTypes != null) {
            mAllowedContentTypes = allowedContentTypes;
        } else {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Constructor passed allowedContentTypes was null !");

    public abstract void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] binaryData);

    public abstract void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] binaryData, Throwable error);

    public final void sendResponseMessage(HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
        StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();
        Header[] contentTypeHeaders = response.getHeaders(AsyncHttpClient.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
        if (contentTypeHeaders.length != 1) {
            //malformed/ambiguous HTTP Header, ABORT!
                    new HttpResponseException(
                            "None, or more than one, Content-Type Header found!"
        Header contentTypeHeader = contentTypeHeaders[0];
        boolean foundAllowedContentType = false;
        for (String anAllowedContentType : getAllowedContentTypes()) {
            try {
                if (Pattern.matches(anAllowedContentType, contentTypeHeader.getValue())) {
                    foundAllowedContentType = true;
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                Log.e("BinaryHttpResponseHandler", "Given pattern is not valid: " + anAllowedContentType, e);
        if (!foundAllowedContentType) {
            //Content-Type not in allowed list, ABORT!
                    new HttpResponseException(
                            "Content-Type not allowed!"


    public void sendResponseMessage(HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
        // do not process if request has been cancelled
        if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
            StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();
            byte[] responseBody;
            responseBody = getResponseData(response.getEntity());
            // additional cancellation check as getResponseData() can take non-zero time to process
            if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                if (status.getStatusCode() >= 300) {
                    sendFailureMessage(status.getStatusCode(), response.getAllHeaders(), responseBody, new HttpResponseException(status.getStatusCode(), status.getReasonPhrase()));
                } else {
                    sendSuccessMessage(status.getStatusCode(), response.getAllHeaders(), responseBody);



     * Obtains new FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler and stores response in passed file
     * @param file File to store response within, must not be null
    public FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler(File file) {
        this(file, false);

     * Obtains new FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler and stores response in passed file
     * @param file   File to store response within, must not be null
     * @param append whether data should be appended to existing file
    public FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler(File file, boolean append) {
        AssertUtils.asserts(file != null, "File passed into FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler constructor must not be null");
        this.mFile = file;
        this.append = append;

     * Obtains new FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler against context with target being temporary file
     * @param context Context, must not be null
    public FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler(Context context) {
        this.mFile = getTemporaryFile(context);
        this.append = false;
     * Used when there is no file to be used when calling constructor
     * @param context Context, must not be null
     * @return temporary file or null if creating file failed
    protected File getTemporaryFile(Context context) {
        AssertUtils.asserts(context != null, "Tried creating temporary file without having Context");
        try {
            // not effective in release mode
            assert context != null;
            return File.createTempFile("temp_", "_handled", context.getCacheDir());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Cannot create temporary file", e);
        return null;


    protected byte[] getResponseData(HttpEntity entity) throws IOException {
        if (entity != null) {
            InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
            long contentLength = entity.getContentLength();
            FileOutputStream buffer = new FileOutputStream(getTargetFile(), this.append);
            if (instream != null) {
                try {
                    byte[] tmp = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                    int l, count = 0;
                    // do not send messages if request has been cancelled
                    while ((l = instream.read(tmp)) != -1 && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                        count += l;
                        buffer.write(tmp, 0, l);
                        sendProgressMessage(count, (int) contentLength);
                } finally {
        return null;


Http请求中涉及到断点续传功能时,一般需要在Http请求头部设置Range字段,指定第一个字节偏移量和最后一个字节偏移量(偏移量从0开始),格式如下:Range:  bytes=0-100;当服务器支持断点续传功能时,会在Http响应头部中包含Content-Range字段,格式如下:Content-Range: 
bytes  0-100/2350,其中2350表示文件总的大小。如果Range头部指定的偏移量超出文件总的大小,那么服务器会返回Http 416错误码,表示所请求的范围无法满足;如果Http请求头部保护Range字段,那么服务器响应成功后会返回Http 206错误码,表示Partial Content,客户端发送了一个带有Range字段的GET请求,服务器端完成了它。RangeFileHttpResponseHandler完整代码如下:

public abstract class RangeFileAsyncHttpResponseHandler extends FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler {
    private static final String LOG_TAG = "RangeFileAsyncHttpResponseHandler";

    private long current = 0;
    private boolean append = false;

     * Obtains new RangeFileAsyncHttpResponseHandler and stores response in passed file
     * @param file File to store response within, must not be null
    public RangeFileAsyncHttpResponseHandler(File file) {

    public void sendResponseMessage(HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
        if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
            StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();
            if (status.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE) {
                //already finished
                if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                    sendSuccessMessage(status.getStatusCode(), response.getAllHeaders(), null);
            } else if (status.getStatusCode() >= 300) {
                if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                    sendFailureMessage(status.getStatusCode(), response.getAllHeaders(), null, new HttpResponseException(status.getStatusCode(), status.getReasonPhrase()));
            } else {
                if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                    Header header = response.getFirstHeader(AsyncHttpClient.HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE);
                    if (header == null) {
                        append = false;
                        current = 0;
                    } else {
                        Log.v(LOG_TAG, AsyncHttpClient.HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE + ": " + header.getValue());
                    sendSuccessMessage(status.getStatusCode(), response.getAllHeaders(), getResponseData(response.getEntity()));

    protected byte[] getResponseData(HttpEntity entity) throws IOException {
        if (entity != null) {
            InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
            long contentLength = entity.getContentLength() + current;
            FileOutputStream buffer = new FileOutputStream(getTargetFile(), append);
            if (instream != null) {
                try {
                    byte[] tmp = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                    int l;
                    while (current < contentLength && (l = instream.read(tmp)) != -1 && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                        current += l;
                        buffer.write(tmp, 0, l);
                        sendProgressMessage((int) current, (int) contentLength);
                } finally {
        return null;

    public void updateRequestHeaders(HttpUriRequest uriRequest) {
        if (mFile.exists() && mFile.canWrite())
            current = mFile.length();
        if (current > 0) {
            append = true;
            uriRequest.setHeader("Range", "bytes=" + current + "-");



public abstract class SaxAsyncHttpResponseHandler<T extends DefaultHandler> extends AsyncHttpResponseHandler {

     * Generic Type of handler
    private T handler = null;
    private final static String LOG_TAG = "SaxAsyncHttpResponseHandler";

     * Constructs new SaxAsyncHttpResponseHandler with given handler instance
     * @param t instance of Handler extending DefaultHandler
     * @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
    public SaxAsyncHttpResponseHandler(T t) {
        if (t == null) {
            throw new Error("null instance of <T extends DefaultHandler> passed to constructor");
        this.handler = t;

     * Deconstructs response into given content handler
     * @param entity returned HttpEntity
     * @return deconstructed response
     * @throws java.io.IOException
     * @see org.apache.http.HttpEntity
    protected byte[] getResponseData(HttpEntity entity) throws IOException {
        if (entity != null) {
            InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
            InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = null;
            if (instream != null) {
                try {
                    SAXParserFactory sfactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
                    SAXParser sparser = sfactory.newSAXParser();
                    XMLReader rssReader = sparser.getXMLReader();
                    inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(instream, DEFAULT_CHARSET);
                    rssReader.parse(new InputSource(inputStreamReader));
                } catch (SAXException e) {
                    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "getResponseData exception", e);
                } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
                    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "getResponseData exception", e);
                } finally {
                    if (inputStreamReader != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) { /*ignore*/ }
        return null;

     * Default onSuccess method for this AsyncHttpResponseHandler to override
     * @param statusCode returned HTTP status code
     * @param headers    returned HTTP headers
     * @param t          instance of Handler extending DefaultHandler
    public abstract void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, T t);

    public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody) {
        onSuccess(statusCode, headers, handler);

     * Default onFailure method for this AsyncHttpResponseHandler to override
     * @param statusCode returned HTTP status code
     * @param headers    returned HTTP headers
     * @param t          instance of Handler extending DefaultHandler
    public abstract void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, T t);

    public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers,
                          byte[] responseBody, Throwable error) {
        onSuccess(statusCode, headers, handler);

时间: 2024-07-30 21:50:55

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(android开源库android-gif-drawable)第一篇 eclipse使用这个开源库

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如何在android上 使用gif图片(android开源库android-gif-drawabl)

android开源库android-gif-drawable的使用 android的开源库是用来在android上显示gif图片的.我在网上查了一下,大家说这个框架写的不错,加载大的gif图片   不会内存溢出,于是我就想试试这个开源库,我下了作者的源代码和例子,但是我却跑不起来.不知道为什么,我又到网上去找使用这个开源库的例子发现有一个,我也下载了下来,发现还是跑不起来.我决定自己好好试试这个源代码,终于在我的努力下现在可以用了.废话完了 现在教大家怎么用这个库.大家不想看怎么做的 可以到后面

(android开源库android-gif-drawable)第二篇 加载网络gif图片

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