Search Bars(一)

A search bar provides an interface for text-based searches with a text box and buttons such as search and cancel. A search bar
accepts text from users, which can be used as input for a search (shown here with placeholder text). A scope bar, which is available only in conjunction with a search bar—allows users to define the scope of a search (shown here below a search bar).

search bar提供了一个带有搜索、取消按钮以及文本框的基于文本搜索的界面。search bar接收用户输入的文本,用这些文本来作为搜索条件进行搜索(在这里显示为占位符)。scope
bar,它只能连同search bar一起显示,允许用户定义搜索范围(下面显示就是一个search bar)。

Purpose. Search bars allow users to:

  • Quickly find a value in a large collection
  • 在一个大的集合里面快速查找某个值
  • Create a scope filter
  • 创建一个范围过滤器

Implementation. Search
bars are implemented in the UISearchBar class
and discussed in the UISearchBar
Class Reference

时间: 2024-10-10 15:31:20

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