中文分词 下载一中文长篇小说,并转换成UTF-8编码. 使用jieba库,进行中文词频统计,输出TOP20的词及出现次数. 排除一些无意义词.合并同一词. 对词频统计结果做简单的解读. import jieba txt=open('111.txt','r',encoding='utf-8').read() words=list(jieba.cut(txt)) keys=set(words) dic={} for w in keys: if len(w)>1: dic[w]=words.count
1.英文词频统 news=''' Guo Shuqing, head of the newly established China banking and insurance regulatory commission, was appointed Party secretary and vice-governor of the central bank on Monday, according to an announcement published on the People's Bank