Javascript > Eclipse > problems encountered during text search


Ctrl + H, Select "File Search", will encounter eclipse kinds of bug/error alert: problems encountered during text search


It‘s because Ctrl + H by default will search disk files, and when the disk files get un-sync with eclipse‘s project/workspace context, then unexpected error accours.

Manually refresh, using F5 refresh for the workspace will temperary resolve this issue(when you doing Ctrl + H search), but Mac always will generatate hidden un-sync files.


Ctrl+ H, Select "File Search", indicate the "file name pattern", for example *.js, *.xml or *.css.  And then select the scope "Workspace".

Then next time it will automatically use this setting.  It works for Mac OS X Yosemite.

时间: 2024-10-06 09:13:29

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