Check Kernel version of J2EE Engine

Two types of the kernel are in SAP NetWeaver Java system:

Native Kernel
Java Kernel

Native Kernel:
Native Kernel is executables of java startup framework which are written in C-code, like jcontrol, jstart, jlaunch, sapstartsrv etc.
We can update using file like SAPEXEDB.SAR and SAPEXE.SAR.
GetVersionInfo function of sapcontrol command can display the kernel version.

Java Kernel:
Java Kernel is a java binaries of J2EE Engine itself, like boot.jar, jstartup,jar...etc
We can update it during system release or Support Package Stack(SP/SPS) upgrade.
The System Information page and other tools like Visual Administrator can display the kernel version


When SAP Consultant request for kernel version, which implies that Native Kernel unless clearly mention to get Java Kernel
If the user only performs the update for Native Kernel then they only need to follow [For Native Kernel version] section to confirm whether kernel indeed gets updated to expect one. The user doesn‘t need to follow the [For Java Kernel] section.

For Native Kernel Version
Please use either way listed below to get it.

(1) Use the command ‘usr/sap//SYS/exe/.../sapcontrol -user -nr -function GetVersionInfo‘ .

For 7.0X version:Updating Native Kernel do not affect the version of Java Kernel.


时间: 2024-08-11 00:05:53

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