【leetcode】Max Points on a Line (python)





class Solution:
	def maxPoints(self, points ):
		if len( points ) <= 1:
			return len( points )
		maxpoints = 1
		for i in range( len( points ) - 1):
			vitical = 1
			slops = { }
			samePoints = 0
			curmax = 1
			for j in range( i + 1, len( points ) ):
				if points[ i ].x == points[ j ].x and points[ i ].y == points[ j ].y:
					samePoints += 1
				elif points[ i ].x == points[ j ].x:
					vitical += 1
					slop = ( points[ j ].y - points[ i ].y ) * 1.0 / 					  ( points[ j ].x - points[i].x )
					slops.setdefault( slop, 1 )
					slops[ slop ] += 1
					if slops[ slop ] > curmax:
						curmax = slops[ slop ]

			maxpoints = max( max( curmax, vitical ) + samePoints, maxpoints )
		return maxpoints

【leetcode】Max Points on a Line (python),布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-12-11 13:27:59

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