LeetCode之Integer to Roman, Roman to Integer



1, 罗马数字共有7个,即I(1)、V(5)、X(10)、L(50)、C(100)、D(500)和M(1000)。


2, 重复次数:一个罗马数字最多重复3次。

3, 右加左减:



4, 左减的数字有限制,仅限于I、X、C,且放在大数的左边只能用一个。

(*) V 和 X 左边的小数字只能用Ⅰ。

       (*) L 和 C 左边的小数字只能用X。

      (*) D 和 M 左 边的小数字只能用C。

Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.

int romanToInt(string s) {
        map<char, int> dct;
        dct['I'] = 1, dct['i'] = 1;
        dct['V'] = 5, dct['v'] = 5;
        dct['X'] = 10, dct['x'] = 10;
        dct['L'] = 50, dct['l'] = 50;
        dct['C'] = 100, dct['c'] = 100;
        dct['D'] = 500, dct['d'] = 500;
        dct['M'] = 1000, dct['m'] = 1000;

        int sum = 0, j;
        for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i)
            j = i+1;

            if(j < s.size() && dct[s[j]] > dct[s[i]])
                sum += dct[s[j]] - dct[s[i]];
                i = j;
                sum += dct[s[i]];
        return sum;


Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.

struct node{
      int key;
      string szRoman;
      node(int k, string s):key(k), szRoman(s){}

    string intToRoman(int num){
        vector<node> dct;
        dct.push_back(node(1000, "M"));
        dct.push_back(node(900,  "CM"));
        dct.push_back(node(500,  "D"));
        dct.push_back(node(400,  "CD"));
        dct.push_back(node(100,  "C"));
        dct.push_back(node(90,   "XC"));
        dct.push_back(node(50,   "L"));
        dct.push_back(node(40,   "XL"));
        dct.push_back(node(10,   "X"));
        dct.push_back(node(9,    "IX"));
        dct.push_back(node(5,    "V"));
        dct.push_back(node(4,    "IV"));
        dct.push_back(node(1,    "I"));

        string res;
        int i = 0;
        while(num > 0)
            if(num/dct[i].key == 0)
                i += 1;

            for(int j = 0; j < num/dct[i].key; ++j)

        return res;

本人偷懒了,先搞了一张表,然后遍历表。表中比较特殊的值有900, 400, 90, 40, 9, 4,这些都是根据规则4得来的。



LeetCode之Integer to Roman, Roman to Integer,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-08-02 02:42:28

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