project euler之系列中最大的产品

max = 0
for start in range(0,988):
    if num[start] == 0:#当有数字为0时 直接跳过
        start += 1 #索引值加一
    sum = int(num[start]) * int(num[start+1]) * int(num[start+2]) * int(num[start+3]) * int(num[start+4]) * int(num[start+5]) * int(num[start+6]) * int(num[start+7]) * int(num[start+8]) * int(num[start+9]) * int(num[start+10]) * int(num[start+11]) * int(num[start+12])
    if sum > max:#如果得数大于最大值寄存器 则替代之
        max = sum
        start += 1


时间: 2024-08-30 10:40:58

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