C++ warning:’xxx‘ has no out-of-line virtual method definitions...


最近在复习一些 C++基础知识,写了一些 C++的代码,当我在类中定义了虚函数并且直接在类定义内部实现这些虚函数时,编译器就会报警告:’xxx‘ has no out-of-line virtual method definitions;its vtable will be emitted in every translation unit.


If a class is defined in a header file and has a vtable (either it has virtual methods or it derives from classes with virtual methods), it must always have at least one out-of-line virtual method in the class. Without this, the compiler will copy the vtable and RTTI into every .o file that #includes the header, bloating .o file sizes and increasing link times

如果在头文件中定义了一个类并且具有vtable(它具有虚方法或者它来自具有虚方法的类),则它必须始终在类中具有至少一个外联虚拟方法。 如果没有这个,编译器会将vtable和RTTI复制到每个.o文件中,其中#include标题,膨胀.o文件大小和增加链接时间。






时间: 2024-08-28 23:16:19

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