PostgreSQL: Query for location of global tablespace?


I have been trying to make our database clients pro-active about not filling up the partition on which the database they are using resides.

As all our clients are on the same host as the database manager, it should be easy enough for user-created tablespaces; the client can look up the filesystem path for the tablespace (in spclocation), and use OS calls to check how much available space is available:

adb=> select * from pg_tablespace;

  spcname   | spcowner |    spclocation    |       spcacl
 pg_default |       10 |                   |
 pg_global  |       10 |                   |
 adb        |  2033793 | /database /adb     | {adb =C/ adb}

I can‘t see how, from the client, to get the path to where the global tablespace is stored; an empty string is returned for it in the above query.

Unfortunately, we have many legacy systems in the field using a particular database created in the global tablespace, and it would be a monumental effort to get it moved into a user-created tablespace.

Hopefully I‘m just missing something really simple.


pg_default and pg_global locations are "hardcoded".

pg_default lives in:

test=# select setting||‘/base‘ from pg_settings where name=‘data_directory‘;

and pg_global lives in:

test=# select setting||‘/global‘ from pg_settings where name=‘data_directory‘; 

src/backend/commands/tablespace.c  says so:

  * There are two tablespaces created at initdb time : pg_global ( for shared

* tables ) and pg_default (for everything else).   For backwards compatibility

* and to remain functional on platforms without symlinks , these tablespaces

* are accessed specially : they are respectively

*          $PGDATA / global/ relfilenode

*          $PGDATA / base/ dboid /relfilenode


* Tablespaces in PostgreSQL are designed to allow users to determine
 * where the data file(s) for a given database object reside on the file
 * system.
 * A tablespace represents a directory on the file system. At tablespace
 * creation time, the directory must be empty. To simplify things and
 * remove the possibility of having file name conflicts, we isolate
 * files within a tablespace into database-specific subdirectories.
 * To support file access via the information given in RelFileNode, we
 * maintain a symbolic-link map in $PGDATA/pg_tblspc. The symlinks are
 * named by tablespace OIDs and point to the actual tablespace directories.
 * There is also a per-cluster version directory in each tablespace.
 * Thus the full path to an arbitrary file is
 *            $PGDATA/pg_tblspc/spcoid/PG_MAJORVER_CATVER/dboid/relfilenode
 * e.g.
 *            $PGDATA/pg_tblspc/20981/PG_9.0_201002161/719849/83292814
 * There are two tablespaces created at initdb time: pg_global (for shared
 * tables) and pg_default (for everything else).  For backwards compatibility
 * and to remain functional on platforms without symlinks, these tablespaces
 * are accessed specially: they are respectively
 *            $PGDATA/global/relfilenode
 *            $PGDATA/base/dboid/relfilenode
 * To allow CREATE DATABASE to give a new database a default tablespace
 * that‘s different from the template database‘s default, we make the
 * provision that a zero in pg_class.reltablespace means the database‘s
 * default tablespace.    Without this, CREATE DATABASE would have to go in
 * and munge the system catalogs of the new database.


src /backend/commands/tablespace.c

时间: 2025-01-31 00:51:04

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