支线任务2-Basic Calculator









1.利用一个char逐个读取string s里的字符,并作判断,若为空格不做操作;






 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int calculate(string s) {
 4         stack<char> operation;
 5     stack<int> numCan;
 6     string newExp, temNumExp;
 7     char temsave;
 8     int temTop, temNum;
 9     bool isNextNum = true;
10     istringstream iss;
11     for(int i = 0;i < s.size();i++)//求得后缀式
12     {
13         temsave = s[i];
14         if(temsave != ‘ ‘)
15         {
16             if(temsave >= ‘0‘ && temsave <= ‘9‘)
17             {
18                 if(isNextNum == true)
19                 {
20                     newExp += ‘$‘;//$分隔两个数
21                     newExp += temsave;
22                     isNextNum = false;
23                 }
24                 else
25                     newExp += temsave;
26             }
27             else
28             {
29                 isNextNum = true;
30                 if(temsave == ‘+‘ || temsave == ‘-‘)
31                 {
32                     if(operation.empty() == true || operation.top() == ‘(‘)
33                         operation.push(temsave);
34                     else
35                     {
36                         newExp += operation.top();
37                         operation.pop();
38                         operation.push(temsave);
39                     }
40                 }
41                 else if(temsave == ‘(‘)
42                     operation.push(temsave);
43                 else
44                 {
45                     if(operation.top() != ‘(‘)
46                     {
47                         newExp += operation.top();
48                         operation.pop();
49                         operation.pop();
50                     }
51                     else
52                         operation.pop();
53                 }
54             }
55         }
56     }
57     if(operation.empty() == false)
58         newExp += operation.top();
59     for(int i = 0;i < newExp.size();i++)//计算后缀式
60     {
61         temsave = newExp[i];
62         if(temsave == ‘+‘ || temsave == ‘-‘)
63         {
64             temTop = numCan.top();
65             numCan.pop();
66             if(temsave == ‘+‘)
67                 numCan.top() += temTop;
68             else
69                 numCan.top() -= temTop;
70         }
71         else if(temsave == ‘$‘)
72         {
73             i++;
74             iss.clear();
75             while(newExp[i] != ‘+‘ && newExp[i] != ‘-‘ && newExp[i] != ‘$‘ && i < newExp.size())
76             {
77                 temNumExp += newExp[i];
78                 i++;
79             }
80             i--;
81             iss.str(temNumExp);
82             iss >> temNum;
83             numCan.push(temNum);
84             temNumExp = "";
85         }
86     }
87     return  numCan.top();
88     }
89 };



时间: 2024-08-01 20:16:01

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