最近想整理一下工作室官网的东西,那是一个用github pages写的网站,在上传一些post文章的时候,突然给我发邮件说有错误:
The page build failed with the following error:
The submodule `52FeidianStudio.github.io` was not properly initialized with a `.gitmodules` file. For more information, see https://help.github.com/articles/page-build-failed-missing-submodule.
If you have any questions you can contact us by replying to this email.
然后点进去链接,提示“Page build failed: Missing submodule”,之前都没有遇到过这样的问题,于是习惯性地找到了度娘,但是都是一些stackoverflow的回答,本来就对git一知半解,突然要看英文的结局办法,虽然按照他们说的方法做了,但是收效甚微。然后在学长群里问也没有人回答,估计是一个很高级的问题。
- Make a backup of the content locally
- Delete the repository from GitHub
- Delete the repository locally
- Recreate the repository, ensuring that you don‘t include the repository within the repository locally, which is what you did previously
- Push it to GitHub
t you have made a copy of the repository directory within the repository directory