Probabilistic Graphical Models:一、Introduction and Overview(2、Factors)





三、几种操作(factor operation)的介绍







时间: 2024-10-18 19:57:19

Probabilistic Graphical Models:一、Introduction and Overview(2、Factors)的相关文章

Probabilistic Graphical Models:一、Introduction and Overview(1、Overview and Motivation)

一.PGM用来做什么 1.  医学诊断:从各种病症分析病人得了什么病,该用什么手段治疗 2.  图像分割:从一张百万像素级的图片中分析每个像素点对应的是什么东西 两个共同点:(1)有非常多不同的输入变量:(2)对于算法而言,结果都是不确定的 二.PGM各代表什么 1.  Models 2.  Probabilistic (1)概率:设计model即是为了分析一些不确定的东西(uncertainty) (2)Uncertainty的来源: (3)概率在模型表达上的优势 3.  Graphical

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课程链接: 原CPD如下: 计算: p(d1|g3) = p(d1, g3) / p(g3) p(d1, g3) = p(g3, d1) = p(g3|d1, i0) * p(d1, i0) + p(g3|d1, i1) * p(d1, i1) = 0.7*0.4*0.7 + 0.2*0.4*0.3  约等于0

Probabilistic Graphical Models:二、Bayes Network Fundamentals(1、Semantics & Factorization)

一.How to construct the dependency? 1.首字母即随机变量名称 2.I->G是更加复杂的模型,但Bayes里不考虑,因为Bayes只是无环图. 3.CPD = conditional probability distribution.图中的每一个点都是一个CPD,这里5个点,就有五个CPD. 二.Chain Rule for Bayesian Neatworks 将整个Bayes网络的所有节点所构成的联合概率(Joint probability)利用链式法则(ch

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Not in the frontier of research, but the results are used commonly now. X_{k+1} - X_n are known, to calculate the joint probability, we have to do inference Recent research: on the approximate inference teches approx: 1) optimization-based 2) samplin

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2018 10-708 (CMU) Probabilistic Graphical Models {Lecture 25} [Spectral Methods]

draw a topic h and then draw independent xfrom multinomial distribution A paper can have several topics, and each topics has different proportions O is the matrix of topic word, given by the model h is the topic 原文地址:

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