精品软件推荐 Desktop Central - Free Windows Admin Tools

推荐一个免费的企业IT管理软件: Desktop Central - Free Windows Admin Tools

官网: https://www.manageengine.com



Desktop Central provides a set of free Windows Admin tools that Windows Administrators might require on a day-to-day basis. It has a set of 12 tools, viz: Remote Task Manager Tool, Wake on LAN, Software Inventory Tool, Remote Command Prompt Tool, GPO Update, Shutdown/Restart Tool, Join/Unjoin Computer Tool, Currently Logged On User, Hard Disk Space Detector Tool, Local Users/Groups List Tool, Network Share Browser Tool, and Laptop Battery Power Monitor Tool, System Inventory Tool and Remote Device Manager Tool. This is very handy as it can be performed on multiple computers simultaneously. These tools are made available from the Desktop Central family and is provided as a separate download, which is absolutely free to use.


Remote Task Manager Tool

Utility to view the processes running in a remote computer along with its details like, Process ID, Memory Usage, Session ID, Priority, etc. It also provides an option to select the parameters to view. Apart from just viewing the processes, the administrators can also terminate a process.

Wake on LAN Tool

Utility to boot computers in the network (LAN) from remote. It allows the administrators to boot multiple computers simultaneously. The Administrator has to just specify the IP Address, MAC Address and the Subnet Mask of the computers to wake them up.

Software Inventory Tool

Utility to retrieve the details of the software installed in the computers of a Windows Domain. The Software details include Software Name, Version, Manufacturer and Usage statistics. The software details can be exported as txt and csv formats.

Remote Command Prompt Tool

Free tool to open a command prompt of a remote computer and execute a command. The remote computer can be in the domain or a workgroup. The administrator has to specify a credential that has necessary privileges to execute the commands. The computer can be either specified manually or selected by specifying the Domain Controller.

GPO Update Tool

Utility to perform a GPO Update in the computers of a Windows Domain. GPOs are used to send configuration instructions to user and computer objects in the Windows Active Directory. By default, the GPO updates happen periodically, every 90 minutes. This utility helps the Administrators to perform a GPO Update on-demand on multiple domain computers simultaneously.

Shutdown / Restart Tool

Utility to shutdown or restart the computers of a Windows Domain. The Administrator can specify a common credential to perform this operation on multiple computers and can select the computers by specifying the Domain Controller.

Join/Unjoin Computer Tool

Utility to move a computer from one domain to another or from a domain to a workgroup or from a workgroup to a domain. It also provides the ability to restart the computer after this operation. The status of the operation is also displayed at the bottom of the window.

Currently Logged On User

Utility to retrieve the details of the users logged on to a remote computer. The Administrator can specify a common credential to perform this operation on multiple computers and can select the computers by specifying the Domain Controller.

Hard Disk Space Monitor Tool

Utility to retrieve the information about the Hard Disk like Partition/Drives, Volume Name, Total Size, Free Space, and File System. The Administrator can specify a common credential to perform this operation on multiple computers and can select the computers by specifying the Domain Controller.The results can be exported to a CSV or Text format for a later reference.

Local Users/Groups Tool

Tool to get the information about local users and groups in the remote computers. The user details include, Computer Name, User Name, Full Name, Caption, Status, etc. The group details include, Computer Name, Group Name, Caption, Description, and Status. The Administrator can specify a common credential to perform this operation on multiple computers and can select the computers by specifying the Domain Controller.The results can be exported to a CSV or Text format for a later reference.

Network Share Browser Tool

Tool to get the information about the files, folders and Active Sessions of the shares in a remote computer. The results can be exported to a CSV or Text format for a later reference.

Laptop Battery Power Monitor Tool

Tool to monitor the battery power of the portable computers in the network periodically and alert by playing a sound when the power falls below a specified percentage. The Administrator can specify a common credential to perform this operation on multiple computers and can select the computers by specifying the Domain Controller.The results can be exported to a CSV or Text format for a later reference.

System Inventory Tool

Tool to fetch inventory information of a remote computer. The inventory details include system information like Services, Users,Groups, Shares, Environment, Updates, and Startup items, and Hardware details like Hardware elements and Hardware resources.The details can be exported as CSV for every module.

Remote Device Manager Tool

Tool to manage devices connected to a remote computer. It allows you to enable, disable, update or uninstall the devices attached to the remote computer in your domain. This tool can be used to manage keyboards, monitors, mice, battery,  processor, USB controller, disk drivers, imaging devices, storage volume, display adapter, network adapter etc.,

时间: 2024-12-24 09:12:58

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