sorting algorithm

Sorting algorithm

Selection sort

This method is called selection sort because it works by repeatedly selecting the smallest remaining item。

Selection sort uses ~N2/2 compares and N exchanges to sort an array of length N.

  1. First, find the smallest item in the array, and exchange it with the first entry。
  2. Then, find the next smallest item and exchange it with the second entry。
  3. Continue in this way until the entire array is sorted。

source code:


  • 算法运行时间和输入无关。这意味着即使输入的数组有序,也要进行一趟扫描。
  • 数据的移动最少。交换次数和数组大小是线性关系。

insert sort

sorting algorithm

时间: 2024-08-24 15:38:54

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