【线段树区间修改】fzu2105Digits Count

1: AND(opn, L, R):把区间[L, R]中的元素A[i]改为A[i] & opn;;;;;;
2: OR(opn, L, R) :把区间[L, R]中的元素A[i]改为A[i] | opn;;;;;;;
3: XOR(opn, L, R):把区间[L, R]中的元素A[i]改为A[i] ^ opn;;;;;;;
4: SUM(L, R)     :对区间[L, R]中的元素求和;;;;
void build(int l, int r, int o)递归建树
    tree[o].l = l;结点的左端点
    tree[o].r = r;结点的右端点
    tree[o].num = -1;标记该区间的数是否相同
    if(l == r)叶子结点
        return ;
    int M = (l + r)/2;
    build(l, M, lc);
    build(M+1, r, rc);
    if(tree[lc].num != -1 && tree[lc].num == tree[rc].num)向上更新
        tree[o].num = tree[lc].num;
int opreate(int op, int opn, int num)对应的操作
    if(op == 1) return num & opn;------------AND
    if(op == 2) return num | opn;------------OR
    if(op == 3) return num ^ opn;------------XOR

void update(int l, int r, int o, int opn, int op)
    if(tree[o].l == l && tree[o].r == r && tree[o].num >= 0)找到该区间时,跟新区间内的元素,,即修改标记
        tree[o].num = opreate(op, opn, tree[o].num);
        return ;
    if(tree[o].num >= 0)标记传递,起作用是把num的值向下传递即:pushdown函数
        tree[lc].num = tree[rc].num = tree[o].num;
        tree[o].num = -1;清除本节点的标记
    int mid = (tree[o].l + tree[o].r)/2;
    if(r <= mid)------------------------------------------------------------?
        update(l, r, lc, opn, op);更新左子树
    else if(l > mid)
        update(l, r, rc, opn, op);更新右子树
        update(l, mid, lc, opn, op);
        update(mid+1, r, rc, opn, op);
    if(tree[lc].num != -1 && tree[lc].num == tree[rc].num)往上更新
        tree[o].num = tree[lc].num;
LL query(int l, int r, int o)
    if(tree[o].l == l && tree[o].r == r && tree[o].num >= 0)
        return tree[o].num*(tree[o].r - tree[o].l+1);
    if(tree[o].num >= 0)
        tree[lc].num = tree[rc].num = tree[o].num;
        tree[o].num = -1;
    int mid = (tree[o].l + tree[o].r)/2;
    if(r <= mid)
        return query(l, r, lc);
    else if( l > mid)
        return query(l, r, rc);
        return query(l, mid, lc)+query(mid+1, r, rc);
     if(tree[lc].num != -1 && tree[lc].num == tree[rc].num)
        tree[o].num = tree[lc].num;
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define lc o*2
#define rc o*2+1

using namespace std;

const int MAXN = 1000010;
typedef long long LL;

int n, m;
int a[MAXN];

struct node{
    int l, r;
    int num;

void build(int l, int r, int o)
    tree[o].l = l;
    tree[o].r = r;
    tree[o].num = -1;
    if(l == r)
        return ;
    int M = (l + r)/2;
    build(l, M, lc);
    build(M+1, r, rc);
    if(tree[lc].num != -1 && tree[lc].num == tree[rc].num)
        tree[o].num = tree[lc].num;

int opreate(int op, int opn, int num)
    if(op == 1) return num & opn;
    if(op == 2) return num | opn;
    if(op == 3) return num ^ opn;

void update(int l, int r, int o, int opn, int op)
    if(tree[o].l == l && tree[o].r == r && tree[o].num >= 0)
        tree[o].num = opreate(op, opn, tree[o].num);
        return ;
    if(tree[o].num >= 0)
        tree[lc].num = tree[rc].num = tree[o].num;
        tree[o].num = -1;
    int mid = (tree[o].l + tree[o].r)/2;
    if(r <= mid)
        update(l, r, lc, opn, op);
    else if(l > mid)
        update(l, r, rc, opn, op);
        update(l, mid, lc, opn, op);
        update(mid+1, r, rc, opn, op);
    if(tree[lc].num != -1 && tree[lc].num == tree[rc].num)
        tree[o].num = tree[lc].num;

LL query(int l, int r, int o)
    if(tree[o].l == l && tree[o].r == r && tree[o].num >= 0)
        return tree[o].num*(tree[o].r - tree[o].l+1);
    if(tree[o].num >= 0)
        tree[lc].num = tree[rc].num = tree[o].num;
        tree[o].num = -1;
    int mid = (tree[o].l + tree[o].r)/2;
    if(r <= mid)
        return query(l, r, lc);
    else if( l > mid)
        return query(l, r, rc);
        return query(l, mid, lc)+query(mid+1, r, rc);
     if(tree[lc].num != -1 && tree[lc].num == tree[rc].num)
        tree[o].num = tree[lc].num;

int main()
    char op[5];
    int opn, L, R;
    int T;
        scanf("%d%d", &n,&m);
        build(1, n, 1);
            if(op[0] == 'S')
                scanf("%d%d",&L, &R);
                printf("%lld\n",query(L+1, R+1, 1));
                scanf("%d%d%d",&opn, &L, &R);
                if(op[0] == 'A')
                    update(L+1, R+1, 1, opn, 1);
                if(op[0] == 'O')
                    update(L+1, R+1, 1, opn, 2);
                if(op[0] == 'X')
                    update(L+1, R+1, 1, opn, 3);
    return 0;



【线段树区间修改】fzu2105Digits Count,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-10-18 16:37:10

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