1 Option Explicit 2 Option Base 1 3 4 Sub FillSheet() 5 Dim i As Long 6 Dim j As Long 7 Dim col As Long 8 Dim row As Long 9 Dim arr() As Long 10 row = Application.InputBox(prompt:="input row:", Type:=2) 11 col = Application.InputBox(prompt:="input column:", Type:=2) 12 ReDim arr(row, col) 13 For i = 1 To row 14 For j = 1 To col 15 arr(i, j) = (i * j) Mod 20 16 Next 17 Next 18 19 ‘需要选中 20 Worksheets("Sheet3").Activate 21 Dim rng As Variant 22 Set rng = Sheets(3).Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(row, col)) 23 ‘Set rng = Sheets(2).Range("A1:Z26") 24 rng.Value = arr 25 End Sub
时间: 2025-01-03 18:25:31