Understanding the JVM

The aim to write this blog is that I want to summerize and NOTE what I have learned with the booked called as

Understanding the JVM Advandced features and Best prac

Now it‘s the first chapter reviews :

  ? This chapter didn‘t talk much ,just the history and future of technology in java system, also kinds of virtual macine(VM) 

  > what i deeply remembered is the version of my java VM ,because i teste it specially.


  u can see my version of VM is hotspot VM with mixed mode and it is usually common of java developer

It‘s the time to revise the second chapter:

  ?  In this chapter , i pick up lots of knowledge about VM 

    > the VM memories to be allocated particular data. ↓


    > next i will tell the detail function of these memories

      No1. program count register (pcr)

        function : to control the next bit code which will be launched , such as the loop and jump, branch, some exceptions...

        private : because java VM‘s multithreading ,so every threading will has it‘s own pcr to make sure every single pcr work

       No2. VM Stack and Native Stack -- In HotSpot, these two stacks are the one stack.

        function : purpose of stack is to describe the model launched in java or native methods --  every method begin to

               launch that means one thread starts with VM stack being set up, where there are the specific part vairables, such

              as (the basic type od variable) long, double and reference...

        private : every method has it‘s own form of specific part variables

        potential error : if the part variables are confirmed before launched, and u want apply more memories in stack, and then u will get

                  stackOverflowError... but if VM stack can be extend dynamicly(now most VM stack can make it) things are different

                  but if u can‘t apply more memories when u extend dynamicly , and u will get outOfMemoryError...

      No3. Heap -- the biggest area of memory

         function : heap is the homeland of kinds of class instance,  basically all instance lived in heap, but with the JIT developing, not all the

               instance in heap, also the stack can do it.

         public : all the instance in the heap,  so threads can get the all instance. By the way, there are also called GC heap, because garbage collected

              in this area divided into young_generation and old_generation

         potential error : java heap can be allocated in discontinuous physical area...so if there are not enough zone to allocate class instance,and this

                  heap can‘t be extended , u will get outOfMemoryError

      No4. Method Area -- like the heap

         function : store up the information of class which has already been loaded by VM, the static variable, the constant,and code by JIT...

         public : this area can be extended or not, and what amazed me is that u can achieve non-GC, so it‘s also called premanent generation...

         potential error : OutOfMemoryError

     No5. Runtime Constant pool -- part of Method Area

          function : during the runtime, u also can put the constanrt into the constant pool...    

          example : see this blog . String : intern() which is used most in actually develop


    > then i will tell u how to visit the Object , and there are two ways to make it ...



   ? situations of OOM 

    (1) java heap : where the class instance lived

     (2) VM stack and native stack :

        - OOM

        - SOF     






时间: 2024-08-26 14:47:53

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