maven 的plugin 的使用

mvn [plugin-name]:[goal-name]
mvn compiler:compile


What are Maven Plugins?

Maven is actually a plugin execution framework where every task is actually done by plugins. Maven Plugins are generally used to ?

  • create jar file
  • create war file
  • compile code files
  • unit testing of code
  • create project documentation
  • create project reports

A plugin generally provides a set of goals, which can be executed using the following syntax ?

mvn [plugin-name]:[goal-name]

For example, a Java project can be compiled with the maven-compiler-plugin‘s compile-goal by running the following command.

mvn compiler:compile

Plugin Types

Maven provided the following two types of Plugins ?

Sr.No. Type & Description
Build plugins

They execute during the build process and should be configured in the <build/> element of pom.xml.

Reporting plugins

They execute during the site generation process and they should be configured in the <reporting/> element of the pom.xml.

Following is the list of few common plugins ?

Sr.No. Plugin & Description

Cleans up target after the build. Deletes the target directory.


Compiles Java source files.


Runs the JUnit unit tests. Creates test reports.


Builds a JAR file from the current project.


Builds a WAR file from the current project.


Generates Javadoc for the project.


Runs a set of ant tasks from any phase mentioned of the build.


We‘ve used maven-antrun-plugin extensively in our examples to print data on console. Refer Build Profiles chapter. Let us understand it in a better way and create a pom.xml in C:\MVN\project folder.

<project xmlns = ""
   xmlns:xsi = ""
   xsi:schemaLocation = "">
                        <echo>clean phase</echo>

Next, open the command console and go to the folder containing pom.xml and execute the following mvn command.

C:\MVN\project>mvn clean

Maven will start processing and displaying the clean phase of clean life cycle

时间: 2024-10-14 23:58:42

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