#!/usr/bin/env python2 #coding:utf-8 """ pickle的作用: 1:pickle.dump(dict,file)把字典转为二进制存入文件. 2:pickle.load(file)把文件二进制内容转为字典. """ import pickle # 增 def adds(): users = {"name":"yangbin", "age":22, "sex":"male"} with open("red.txt", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(users, f) dic = {} with open("red.txt") as sd: dic = pickle.load(sd) print dic # 此处冗余,纯属凸显最后结果. # 删 def deletes(): dic = {} with open("red.txt") as f: dic = pickle.load(f) dic.pop("sex") with open("red.txt", "wb") as ff: pickle.dump(dic, ff) print dic # 改 def changes(): dic = {} with open("red.txt") as f: dic = pickle.load(f) dic["age"] = 28 with open("red.txt", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(dic, f) print dic # 查 def finds(): dic = {} with open("red.txt") as f: dic = pickle.load(f) for k,v in dic.items(): print "%s ---> %s" % (k, v) adds() deletes() changes() finds()
[email protected]:/python/python2/linshi# python 01.py {‘age‘: 22, ‘name‘: ‘yangbin‘, ‘sex‘: ‘male‘} {‘age‘: 22, ‘name‘: ‘yangbin‘} {‘age‘: 28, ‘name‘: ‘yangbin‘} age ---> 28 name ---> yangbin [email protected]:/python/python2/linshi#
--- 完!
时间: 2024-12-27 09:44:12