POJ1862 Stripies 【贪心】


Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K
Total Submissions: 12522   Accepted: 5929


Our chemical biologists have invented a new very useful form of life called stripies (in fact, they were first called in Russian - polosatiki, but the scientists had to invent an English name to apply for an international patent). The stripies are transparent
amorphous amebiform creatures that live in flat colonies in a jelly-like nutrient medium. Most of the time the stripies are moving. When two of them collide a new stripie appears instead of them. Long observations made by our scientists enabled them to establish
that the weight of the new stripie isn‘t equal to the sum of weights of two disappeared stripies that collided; nevertheless, they soon learned that when two stripies of weights m1 and m2 collide the weight of resulting stripie equals to 2*sqrt(m1*m2). Our
chemical biologists are very anxious to know to what limits can decrease the total weight of a given colony of stripies.

You are to write a program that will help them to answer this question. You may assume that 3 or more stipies never collide together.


The first line of the input contains one integer N (1 <= N <= 100) - the number of stripies in a colony. Each of next N lines contains one integer ranging from 1 to 10000 - the weight of the corresponding stripie.


The output must contain one line with the minimal possible total weight of colony with the accuracy of three decimal digits after the point.

Sample Input


Sample Output



Northeastern Europe 2001, Northern Subregion


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>

#define maxn 102

double arr[maxn], ans;

double cal(double a, double b) {
    return 2.0 * sqrt(a * b);

int main() {
    int i, j, n;
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        scanf("%lf", &arr[i]);
    std::sort(arr, arr + n);
    ans = arr[--n];
    while(n) ans = cal(ans, arr[--n]);
    printf("%.3f\n", ans);
    return 0;
时间: 2024-08-06 16:28:12

POJ1862 Stripies 【贪心】的相关文章


Description Our chemical biologists have invented a new very useful form of life called stripies (in fact, they were first called in Russian - polosatiki, but the scientists had to invent an English name to apply for an international patent). The str

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9 POJ 1862 Stripies 简单贪心

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【uva 1615】Highway(算法效率--贪心 区间选点问题)

题意:给定平面上N个点和一个值D,要求在x轴上选出尽量少的点,使得对于给定的每个店,都有一个选出的点离它的欧几里德距离不超过D. 解法:先把问题转换成模型,把对平面的点满足条件的点在x轴的直线上可得到一个个区间,这样就是选最小的点覆盖所有的区间的问题了.我之前的一篇博文有较详细的解释:关于贪心算法的经典问题(算法效率 or 动态规划).代码实现我先空着.挖坑~