






 1 create table TEST.GOODS_TABLE
 2 (
 3   gid      NUMBER not null,
 4   gname    VARCHAR2(90),
 5   gdetails CLOB,
 6   gpicture VARCHAR2(100),
 7   gprice   NUMBER,
 8   gleixing NUMBER,
 9   gpinpai  VARCHAR2(20)
10 )
11 tablespace USERS
12   pctfree 10
13   initrans 1
14   maxtrans 255
15   storage
16   (
17     initial 64K
18     next 1M
19     minextents 1
20     maxextents unlimited
21   );
22 comment on column TEST.GOODS_TABLE.gid
23   is ‘商品ID‘;
24 comment on column TEST.GOODS_TABLE.gname
25   is ‘商品名称‘;
26 comment on column TEST.GOODS_TABLE.gdetails
27   is ‘商品详情‘;
28 comment on column TEST.GOODS_TABLE.gpicture
29   is ‘商品图片‘;
30 comment on column TEST.GOODS_TABLE.gprice
31   is ‘商品价格‘;
32 comment on column TEST.GOODS_TABLE.gleixing
33   is ‘商品类型‘;
34 comment on column TEST.GOODS_TABLE.gpinpai
35   is ‘商品品牌‘;
36 alter table TEST.GOODS_TABLE
37   add constraint PK_GOODSID primary key (GID)
38   using index
39   tablespace USERS
40   pctfree 10
41   initrans 2
42   maxtrans 255
43   storage
44   (
45     initial 64K
46     next 1M
47     minextents 1
48     maxextents unlimited
49   );


 1 package com.hanqi.model;
 3 import java.sql.Clob;
 5 //商品类
 6 public class Goods {
 8     private Integer gid;//商品ID
10     private String gname;//商品名称
11     private String gdetails;//商品详情
12     private String gpicture;//商品图片
13     private int gprice;//商品价格
14     private int gleixing;//商品类型
15     private String gpinpai;//商品品牌
17     public Goods() {
18         super();
19         // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
20     }
21     public Goods(Integer gid, String gname, String gdetails, String gpicture, int gprice, int gleixing, String gpinpai) {
22         super();
23         this.gid = gid;
24         this.gname = gname;
25         this.gdetails = gdetails;
26         this.gpicture = gpicture;
27         this.gprice = gprice;
28         this.gleixing = gleixing;
29         this.gpinpai = gpinpai;
30     }
32     public Integer getGid() {
33         return gid;
34     }
35     public void setGid(Integer gid) {
36         this.gid = gid;
37     }
38     public String getGname() {
39         return gname;
40     }
41     public void setGname(String gname) {
42         this.gname = gname;
43     }
44     public String getGdetails() {
45         return gdetails;
46     }
47     public void setGdetails(String gdetails) {
48         this.gdetails = gdetails;
49     }
50     public String getGpicture() {
51         return gpicture;
52     }
53     public void setGpicture(String gpicture) {
54         this.gpicture = gpicture;
55     }
56     public int getGprice() {
57         return gprice;
58     }
59     public void setGprice(int gprice) {
60         this.gprice = gprice;
61     }
62     public int getGleixing() {
63         return gleixing;
64     }
65     public void setGleixing(int gleixing) {
66         this.gleixing = gleixing;
67     }
68     public String getGpinpai() {
69         return gpinpai;
70     }
71     public void setGpinpai(String gpinpai) {
72         this.gpinpai = gpinpai;
73     }
74     @Override
75     public String toString() {
76         return "Goods [gid=" + gid + ", gname=" + gname + ", gdetails=" + gdetails + ", gpicture=" + gpicture
77                 + ", gprice=" + gprice + ", gleixing=" + gleixing + ", gpinpai=" + gpinpai + "]";
78     }
79 }


  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"
  3     import="com.hanqi.model.Log,,,java.util.*,com.hanqi.dal.MethodDal"%>
  4 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
  5 <html>
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 11     <link rel="shortcut icon" href="img/logo1.jpg"/>
 12 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
 13     href="jquery-easyui-1.5.1/themes/icon.css"></link>
 14 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
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 16 <script type="text/javascript"
 17     src="jquery-easyui-1.5.1/locale/easyui-lang-zh_CN.js"></script>
 18 <title>商城后台管理</title>
 20 <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/index.js"></script> -->
 21 <style type="text/css">
 22 .datagrid-btable tr {
 23     height: 30px;
 24 }
 25 </style>
 26 </head>
 27     <%
 28     //验证session,防止直接进入该页面
 29     request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
 30     response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
 31     response.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
 33     Object obj = request.getSession().getAttribute("admin");//获取session对象
 35     if(obj == null) {
 36         response.sendRedirect("h_login_j.jsp");
 37     }
 39     %>
 40 <%    //访问后台主页写入日志
 41     Object o=session.getAttribute("log");
 42     if(o==null){
 43         Log log = new Log();
 44         log.setPname("admin");
 45         log.setPugroup("超级管理员");
 46         InetAddress address = null;
 47         Date date = new Date();
 48         log.setPuptime(date.toLocaleString());
 49         try {
 50             address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
 51         } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
 52             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 53             e.printStackTrace();
 54         }
 55         log.setPip(address.getHostAddress());
 56         log.setPlog("后台主页");
 57         MethodDal m = new MethodDal();
 58         m.insertLog(log);
 59         session.setAttribute("log", log);
 60     }
 62 %>
 63 <body class="easyui-layout">
 64     <!-- 添加商品 -->
 65     <div data-options="region:‘north‘,split:true"
 66         style="height: 50px; background-color: cornflowerblue">
 67         <span style="height: 40px; line-height: 40px; vertical-align: center;">登录用户:<%
 68      Log l = (Log) session.getAttribute("log");
 69      out.print(l.getPname());
 70  %>&nbsp;|&nbsp;用户组:<%=l.getPugroup()%>&nbsp;|&nbsp;登录时间:<%=l.getPuptime()%>
 71             &nbsp;|&nbsp; 当前IP:<%=l.getPip()%>
 72         </span><br>
 73     </div>
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 75     <div data-options="region:‘center‘,split:true"
 76         style="padding: 5px; background: #eee">
 77         <div id="tabs" class="easyui-tabs" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
 78             <div title="主页" style="">
 79                 <table id="dg"></table>
 80                 <!-- 商品的表单 -->
 81                 <div id="zhong" style="display: none">
 82                     <form id="addGood" method="post"
 83                         style="width: 600px; padding: 20px">
 84                         商品名称:<input  name="gname" class="tb easyui-validatebox" type="text"
 85                             style="width: 200px"> <span style="margin-left: 50px">商品价格:</span><input  id="jiage"
 86                             name="gprice" class="tb easyui-numberbox" type="text" style="width: 150px;"><br>
 87                         商品品牌:<input name="gpinpai" class="tb easyui-validatebox" type="text"
 88                             style="width: 200px; margin-top: 10px"> <span
 89                             style="margin-left: 50px">商品类型:</span>
 90                             <input id="gleixing" style="width: 150px;"  class="easyui-combobox" name="gleixing"
 91     data-options="valueField:‘id‘,textField:‘text‘,url:‘opdata.json‘" />
 92         <!-- <input name="gleixing" class="tb easyui-validatebox" type="text" style="width: 150px; margin-top: 10px"> -->
 93     <br>
 94                         商品图片:<input name="gpricture" class="tb" type="file"
 95                             style="width: 200px; margin-top: 10px"><br>
 96                         <!-- 加载编辑器的容器 -->
 97                         <script id="container" name="content" type="text/plain"
 98                             imagePathFormat="/upload/">
 99                              请输入商品描述
100                         </script>
101                         <input type="submit" name="" id="" value="提交" />
102                         <input type="reset" value="重置">
103                     </form>
104                 </div>
105                 <!-- 商品的表单 -->
106                 <div id="gai" style="display: none">
107                     <!-- <div id="gai" class="easyui-dialog" data-options="closed:true"> -->
108                     <form id="fromgai" action="GaiGoodsGoodst" method="post"
109                         style="width: 600px; padding: 20px">
110                         商品名称:<input name="gname" class="tb" type="text"
111                             style="width: 200px"> <span style="margin-left: 50px">商品价格:</span><input
112                             name="gprice" class="tb" type="text" style="width: 150px;"><br>
113                         商品品牌:<input name="gpinpai" class="tb" type="text"
114                             style="width: 200px; margin-top: 10px"> <span
115                             style="margin-left: 50px">商品类型:</span><input name="gleixing"
116                             class="tb" type="text" style="width: 150px"><br>
117                         商品图片:<input name="gpicture" class="tb" type="text"
118                             style="width: 200px; margin-top: 10px"><br> <input
119                             name="xpricture" class="tb" type="file"
120                             style="width: 200px; margin-top: 10px"><br>
121                         <!-- 加载编辑器的容器 -->
122                         <template> <input type="text" name="gdetails" id="" />
123                         </template>
124                         <script id="container1" name="gdetails" type="text/plain"
125                             imagePathFormat="/upload/">
127                         </script>
128                         <input type="submit" name="" id="" value="提交" />
129                     </form>
130                 </div>
131             </div>
132         </div>
133     </div>
134     <!-- 对话框结束 -->
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136     <div data-options="region:‘west‘,split:true" width=210>
137         <div id="aa" class="easyui-accordion"
138             style="width: 200px; height: 543px">
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140                 <ul>
141                     <li class="lis"><a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton ab abc"
142                         plain="true">添加商品</a></li>
143                     <li class="lis"><a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton ab"
144                         plain="true">待引进商品</a></li>
145                     <li class="lis"><a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton ab"
146                         plain="true">待审核商品</a></li>
147                 </ul>
148             </div>
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150                 <ul>
151                     <li class="lis"><a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton ab"
152                         plain="true" id="neworder">新增订单</a></li>
153                     <li class="lis"><a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton ab"
154                         plain="true" id="oldorder">已确认订单</a></li>
155                 </ul>
156             </div>
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161                     <li class="lis"><a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton ab"
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164                         plain="true" id="userlook">查看用户</a></li>
165                     <li class="lis"><a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton ab"
166                         plain="true" id="userlog">日志记录</a></li>
167                 </ul>
168             </div>
169             <div title="促销管理" style="overflow: auto; padding: 10px"></div>
170             <div title="基础信息维护" style="overflow: auto; padding: 10px"></div>
171         </div>
172     </div>
173     <!-- 底部声明 -->
174     <div data-options="region:‘south‘,split:true"
175         style="height: 40px; line-height: 40px; vertical-align: center; text-align: center;">
176         玛雅网络版权声明</div>
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186         var editor1 = UE.getEditor(‘container1‘);
187 </script>
188 </html>
189 <script>
190 $(function() {
191     $(‘#addGood‘).form({
192         url:‘InserGoodst‘,
193         onSubmit: function(){
194             return $(‘#addGood‘).form(‘validate‘);//如果有为空则返回false阻止提交
195         },
196         success:function(data){
197             if(data=="true"){
198                 alert("添加成功");
199             }else if(data=="false"){
200                 alert("请检查信息正确!");
201             }
202         }
203     });
205     $(‘#userlog‘).click(function(){
206         var content = ‘<iframe scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" src="UserLog.jsp" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></iframe>‘;
207          $(‘#tabs‘).tabs(‘add‘,{
208             title:‘用户日志‘,
209             content:content,
210             closable:true,
211             tools:[{
212                 iconCls:‘icon-mini-refresh‘,
213                 handler:function(){
214                 }
215             }]
216         });
217     });
218     $(‘#userlook‘).click(function(){
219         var content = ‘<iframe scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" src="UserLook.jsp" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></iframe>‘;
220          $(‘#tabs‘).tabs(‘add‘,{
221             title:‘用户日志‘,
222             content:content,
223             closable:true,
224             tools:[{
225                 iconCls:‘icon-mini-refresh‘,
226                 handler:function(){
227                 }
228             }]
229         });
230     });
232     $(‘#neworder‘).click(function(){
233         var content = ‘<iframe scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" src="ShowOrder.jsp" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></iframe>‘;
234          $(‘#tabs‘).tabs(‘add‘,{
235             title:‘订单管理‘,
236             content:content,
237             closable:true,
238             tools:[{
239                 iconCls:‘icon-mini-refresh‘,
240                 handler:function(){
241                 }
242             }]
243         });
244     });
246     $(‘#oldorder‘).click(function(){
247         var content = ‘<iframe scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" src="ShowOrder1.jsp" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></iframe>‘;
248          $(‘#tabs‘).tabs(‘add‘,{
249             title:‘订单管理‘,
250             content:content,
251             closable:true,
252             tools:[{
253                 iconCls:‘icon-mini-refresh‘,
254                 handler:function(){
255                 }
256             }]
257         });
258     });
260     $(‘#dg‘).datagrid({
261         url : ‘ShowwAllServlet‘,
262         striped:true,//显示斑马线
263         autoRowHeight:false,//定义设置行的高度,根据该行的内容。设置为false可以提高负载性能。这里不设置,css中设置的行高无效
264         singleSelect:true,//只允许选择一行
265         pagination : true,
266         pageNumber : 1,
267         pageSize : 1,
268         pageList : [ 1, 3, 5 ],
270         toolbar : [ {
271             iconCls : ‘icon-edit‘,
272             text : "编辑",
273             handler : function() {
274                 //var gid=$(‘.datagrid-row-selected‘).find(‘.datagrid-cell-c1-gid‘).html();//获取当前被选中的行的gid
275                 var gid = $(‘#dg‘).datagrid("getSelected").gid;//获取当前被选中的行的gid
276                 //console.log("--------------"+gid1);
277                 var content = ‘<iframe scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" src="EditGoods.jsp?gid=‘+gid+‘" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></iframe>‘;
278                 if(gid>-1){
279                     $(‘#tabs‘).tabs(‘add‘,{
280                         title:‘修改商品‘,
281                         content:content,
282                         closable:true,
283                         tools:[{
284                             iconCls:‘icon-mini-refresh‘,
285                             handler:function(){
286                             }
287                         }]
288                     });
289                 }else{
290                     alert("请选择您要修改的商品");
291                 }
292             }
293         }, ‘-‘,{
294             iconCls : ‘icon-edit‘,
295             text : "编辑2",
296             handler : function() {
297                 var a = $(this).text();
299                 $(‘#gai‘).dialog({
300                     width : 800,
301                     height : 500,
302                     title : a,
303                     //closed : false,
304                     cache : false,
305                     modal : true
306                 });
307                 $(‘#gai‘).dialog("open");
308                 var r = $("#dg").datagrid("getSelected");//获取被选中的行,返回对象
309                 $("#fromgai").form("load", r);//将被选中的信息放到弹出的的表单中,富文本编辑器的内容无法显示
310             }
311         },  ‘-‘,
312         {
313             iconCls : ‘icon-cancel‘,
314             text : "删除",
315             handler : function() {
316                 //var gid = $(‘#dg‘).datagrid("getSelections");//获取当前被选中的行
317                 var gid=$(‘.datagrid-row-selected‘).find(‘.datagrid-cell-c1-gid‘).html();//获取当前被选中的行的gid
318                 if(gid>-1){
319                     var r1 = confirm("确定删除ID为  "+gid+" 的商品吗?");
320                     if(r1) {
321                         window.location.href="DelGoodServlet?gid="+gid;
322                         alert("删除成功");
323                     }
324                 }else{
325                     alert("请选中需要删除的商品");
326                 }
328             }
329         } ,‘-‘, {
330             iconCls : ‘icon-help‘,
331             text : "帮助",
332             handler : function() {
333                 alert(‘帮助按钮‘)
334             }
335         } ],
337          frozenColumns : [ [ {
338             field : ‘‘,
339             title : ‘‘,
340             width : 100,
341             checkbox : true
342         }, {
343             field : ‘gid‘,
344             title : ‘商品代码‘,
345             width : 60
346         } ] ],
347         columns : [ [ {
348             field : "gname",
349             title : "商品名称",
350             width:200
351         }, {
352             field : "gdetails",
353             title : "商品详情",
354             width:100
355         }, {
356             field : "gpicture",
357             title : "图片",
358             width:100
359         }, {
360             field : "gprice",
361             title : "价格",
362             width:50
363         }, {
364             field : "gleixing",
365             title : "类型",
366             width:50
367         }, {
368             field : "gpinpai",
369             title : "品牌",
370             width:100
371         }  ] ],
373     });
374     $(‘.abc‘).click(function() {
375         var a = $(this).text();
376         // alert(a);
377         $(‘#zhong‘).dialog({
378             width : 800,
379             height : 500,
380             title : a,
381             closed : false,
382             cache : false,
383             modal : true
384         })
385     });
386 });
387 </script>


 1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"
 2     pageEncoding="utf-8" import="com.hanqi.model.Goods,com.hanqi.dal.MethodDal"%>
 3 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
 4 <html>
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18 <title>修改商品</title>
19 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="img/logo1.jpg"/>
20 </head>
21 <body>
23 <%
24 /* Object good= session.getAttribute("good");
25 Goods g= (Goods)good; */
26 %>
27 <%
28 //惯例设置中文
29 request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
30 response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
31 response.setContentType("utf-8");
32 //获取传来的ID
33 String gid = request.getParameter("gid");
34 MethodDal m=new MethodDal();
36 Goods g = m.getGoods(gid);
38 %>
39     <div>
40         <div id="gai" style="">
41             <form action="GaiGoodsServlet" method="post"
42                 style="width: 600px; padding: 20px">
43                 <input name="gid" type="hidden" value="<%=g.getGid() %>">
44                 商品名称:<input name="gname" class="tb easyui-validatebox" type="text" style="width: 200px" value="<%=g.getGname() %>">
45                 <span style="margin-left:50px">商品价格:</span><input name="gprice" class="tb easyui-numberbox" type="text" style="width: 150px;" value="<%=g.getGprice() %>"><br>
46                 商品品牌:<input name="gpinpai" class="tb easyui-validatebox" type="text" style="width: 200px;margin-top:10px" value="<%=g.getGpinpai() %>">
47                 <span style="margin-left:50px">商品类型:</span>
48                 <input id="gleixing" value="<%=g.getGleixing() %>" class="easyui-combobox" name="gleixing"
49     data-options="valueField:‘id‘,textField:‘text‘,url:‘dddddd.json‘" />
50                 商品图片:<br><img src="img/<%=g.getGpicture() %>"  style="width:80px;height:80px">    <br>
51                 新图片:<input type="file" name="gpicture" OnPropertyChange="‘none‘;">
53                 <!--
54                 商品名称:<input name="gname" class="tb" type="text" style="width: 300px"><br>
55                 商品价格:<input name="gprice" class="tb" type="text"style="width: 300px" ><br>
56                 商品类型:<input name="gleixing" class="tb" type="text" style="width: 300px"><br>
57                 商品品牌:<input name="gpinpai" class="tb" type="text" style="width: 300px"><br>
58                 商品图片:<br><img   style="width:80px;height:80px">    <br>
59                 新图片:<input type="file" name="gpicture" OnPropertyChange="‘none‘;"> -->
61                 <!-- 加载编辑器的容器 -->
62                 <script id="container" name="content" type="text/plain"
63                     imagePathFormat="/upload/">
64 <%=g.getGdetails() %>
65                 </script>
66                 <input type="submit" name="" id="" value="提交" />
67             </form>
68         </div>
69     </div>
71     <div id = "content1"  hidden="hidden">
72 ${content}
73 </div>
74 <div id = "content2">
75 </div>
76 <script type="text/javascript">
77 $(function() {
78     $("#content2").html($("#content1").text());
80 });
81 </script>
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86     <!-- 编辑器源码文件 -->
87     <script type="text/javascript" src="ueditor.all.js"></script>
88     <!-- 实例化编辑器 -->
89     <script type="text/javascript">
90         var editor = UE.getEditor(‘container‘);
91     </script>
92 </html>




 1 package com.hanqi.util;
 3 import java.sql.Connection;
 4 import java.sql.DriverManager;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 9 /**
10  * 数据库驱动连接类
11  * @author ZBK
12  */
13 public class DBHelper {
14     /**
15      * 数据库用户名
16      */
17     public static final String USERNAME = "test";
18     /**
19      * 数据库密码
20      */
21     public static final String PASSWORD = "test";
22     /**
23      * 数据库驱动类
24      */
25     public static final String DRIVER = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver";
26     /**
27      * 数据库地址URL
28      */
29     public static final String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe";
31     /**
32      * 获取数据库连接
33      * @return
34      */
35     public static Connection getConnection() {
36         Connection conn = null;
37         try {
38             Class.forName(DRIVER);
39             conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD);
40         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
41             e.printStackTrace();
42         } catch (SQLException e) {
43             e.printStackTrace();
44         }
45         return conn;
46     }
49     /**
50      * 释放资源
51      * @param conn 数据库连接对象
52      * @param sm Statement对象
53      * @param rs ResultSet结果集对象
54      */
55     public static void destroy(Connection conn, Statement sm, ResultSet rs) {
56         if (conn != null) {
57             try {
58                 conn.close();
59             } catch (SQLException e) {
60                 e.printStackTrace();
61             }
62             conn = null;
63         }
64         if (sm != null) {
65             try {
66                 sm.close();
67             } catch (SQLException e) {
68                 e.printStackTrace();
69             }
70             sm = null;
71         }
72         if (rs != null) {
73             try {
74                 rs.close();
75             } catch (SQLException e) {
76                 e.printStackTrace();
77             }
78             rs = null;
79         }
80     }
82     /**
83      * 验证前台传入的参数是否为空
84      * @param args
85      * @return
86      */
87     public static boolean checkParam(String... args) {
88         for (String s : args) {
89             if (s == null || s.trim().length() < 1) {
90                 return false;
91             }
92         }
93         return true;
94     }
95 }


  1 package com.hanqi.dal;
  3 import java.sql.Connection;
  4 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
  5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
  6 import java.sql.SQLException;
  7 import java.util.ArrayList;
  8 import java.util.Date;
  9 import java.util.List;
 11 import com.hanqi.model.Goods;
 12 import com.hanqi.model.Log;
 13 import com.hanqi.model.Order;
 14 import com.hanqi.model.TradingStatusFile;
 15 import com.hanqi.model.User;
 16 import com.hanqi.util.DBHelper;
 18 public class MethodDal {
 19     private Connection conn;
 20     private PreparedStatement ps;
 21     private ResultSet rs;
 23     private static int scnum=1000;
 24     //初始化链接
 25     public void init(String sql) {
 26         conn = DBHelper.getConnection();
 27         try {
 28             ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
 29         } catch (SQLException e) {
 30             e.printStackTrace();
 31         }
 32     }
 33     //释放资源
 34     public void close(){
 35         DBHelper.destroy(conn, ps, rs);
 36     }
 37     //判断传入的参数有没有空的方法,只要有空的就返回false
 38     public boolean checkParam(String... args){//这样传参数代表参数个数不确定,传几个都可以
 39         for(String s : args){
 40             if("".equals(s)||s==null){
 41                 return false;
 42             }
 43         }
 44         return true;
 45     }
 46     /**
 47      * 返回所有商品
 48      * @return
 49      */
 50     public List<Goods> getAllGoods(){
 51         String sql = "select * from GOODS_TABLE g";
 52         init(sql);
 53         List<Goods> list = new ArrayList<Goods>();
 55         try {
 56             rs = ps.executeQuery();
 57             while ( {
 58                 Goods good=new Goods(rs.getInt(1),rs.getString(2),rs.getString(3),rs.getString(4),rs.getInt(5),rs.getInt(6),rs.getString(7));
 59                 list.add(good);
 60             }
 61         } catch (SQLException e) {
 62             e.printStackTrace();
 63         }
 64         return list;
 65     }
 66     /**
 67      * 增加一条商品信息
 68      * @param g
 69      * @return
 70      */
 71     public int insertGoods(Goods g) {
 72         String sql = "insert into GOODS_TABLE values(tablexulie.nextval,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
 74         init(sql);
 75         int a = -1;
 76         try {
 77             ps.setString(1, g.getGname());
 78             ps.setString(2, g.getGdetails());
 79             ps.setString(3, g.getGpicture());
 80             ps.setInt(4, g.getGprice());
 81             ps.setInt(5, g.getGleixing());
 82             ps.setString(6, g.getGpinpai());
 83             a = ps.executeUpdate();
 84         } catch (SQLException e) {
 85             e.printStackTrace();
 86         }
 87         return a;
 88     }
 89     /**
 90      * 删除商品信息
 91      */
 92     public int deleteGoods(int gid) {
 93         String sql = "delete from GOODS_TABLE g where g.gid=? ";
 95         init(sql);
 96         int a = -1;
 97         try {
 98             ps.setInt(1, gid);
 99             a = ps.executeUpdate();
100         } catch (SQLException e) {
101             e.printStackTrace();
102         }
103         return a;
104     }
105     //修改商品信息
106     public int UpdateGood(Goods g) {
107         String sql = "update GOODS_TABLE g set g.gname=?,g.gdetails=?,g.gpicture=?,g.gprice=?,g.gleixing=?,g.gpinpai=? where g.gid=?";
108         init(sql);
109         int a = -1;
110         try {
111             ps.setString(1, g.getGname());
112             ps.setString(2, g.getGdetails());
113             ps.setString(3, g.getGpicture());
114             ps.setInt(4, g.getGprice());
115             ps.setInt(5, g.getGleixing());
116             ps.setString(6, g.getGpinpai());
117             ps.setInt(7, g.getGid());
118             a = ps.executeUpdate();
119         } catch (SQLException e) {
120             e.printStackTrace();
121         }
122         return a;
123     }
124     public int UpdateGoodNP(Goods g) {
125         String sql = "update GOODS_TABLE g set g.gname=?,g.gdetails=?,g.gprice=?,g.gleixing=?,g.gpinpai=? where g.gid=?";
126         init(sql);
127         int a = -1;
128         try {
129             ps.setString(1, g.getGname());
130             ps.setString(2, g.getGdetails());
131             ps.setInt(3, g.getGprice());
132             ps.setInt(4, g.getGleixing());
133             ps.setString(5, g.getGpinpai());
134             ps.setInt(6, g.getGid());
136             a = ps.executeUpdate();
137         } catch (SQLException e) {
138             e.printStackTrace();
139         }
140         return a;
141     }
143     //获取数量
144     public int getGoodsSum(String scuser) {
145         String sql = "select s.scnum from SHOPPINGCAR s  where s.scuser=?";
146         int sum=0;
147         init(sql);
149         try {
150             ps.setString(1, scuser);
151             rs = ps.executeQuery();
153             while ( {
154                 sum+=rs.getInt("scnum");
155             }
156         } catch (SQLException e) {
157             e.printStackTrace();
158         }
159         return sum;
160     }
162     public Goods getGoods(String gid) {
163         String sql = "select * from GOODS_TABLE g where g.gid="+gid;
164         init(sql);
165         Goods good=new Goods();
166         try {
167             rs = ps.executeQuery();
168             while ( {
169                 good=new Goods(rs.getInt(1),rs.getString(2),rs.getString(3),rs.getString(4),rs.getInt(5),rs.getInt(6),rs.getString(7));
170             }
171         } catch (SQLException e) {
172             e.printStackTrace();
173         }
174         return good;
175     }
176     /**
177      * 增加日志记录
178      * @param g
179      * @return
180      */
181     public int insertLog(Log l) {
182         String sql = "insert into ShopLog values(?,?,?,?,?)";
184         init(sql);
185         int a = -1;
186         try {
187             ps.setString(1, l.getPname());
188             ps.setString(2, l.getPugroup());
189             ps.setString(3, l.getPuptime());
190             ps.setString(4, l.getPip());
191             ps.setString(5, l.getPlog());
192             a = ps.executeUpdate();
193         } catch (SQLException e) {
194             e.printStackTrace();
195         }
196         return a;
197     }
198     /**
199      * 返回所有日志
200      * @return
201      */
202     public List<Log> getAllLogs(){
203         String sql = "select * from ShopLog s order by s.puptime desc";
204         init(sql);
205         List<Log> list = new ArrayList<Log>();
207         try {
208             rs = ps.executeQuery();
209             while ( {
210                 Log l=new Log();
211                 l.setPname(rs.getString(1));
212                 l.setPugroup(rs.getString(2));
213                 l.setPuptime(rs.getString(3));
214                 l.setPip(rs.getString(4));
215                 l.setPlog(rs.getString(5));
217                 list.add(l);
218             }
219         } catch (SQLException e) {
220             e.printStackTrace();
221         }
222         return list;
223     }
224     /**
225      * 返回购物车数据
226      * @return
227      */
228     public List<Order> getAllOrder(String username){
229         String sql = "select t.*  from SHOPPINGCAR t where t.scuser=?";
230         init(sql);
231         List<Order> list = new ArrayList<Order>();
233         try {
234             ps.setString(1, username);
235             rs = ps.executeQuery();
236             while ( {
237                 Order l=new Order();
239                 l.setScid(rs.getString(1));
240                 l.setScuser(rs.getString(4));
241                 l.setScgid(rs.getString(5));
242                 l.setScnum(rs.getInt(3));
243                 l.setSctime((new Date()).toLocaleString());
245                 list.add(l);
246             }
247         } catch (SQLException e) {
248             e.printStackTrace();
249         }
250         return list;
251     }
252     /**
253      * 删除购物车已经提交的信息
254      */
255     public int deleteSCar(String username) {
256         String sql = "delete from SHOPPINGCAR g where g.scuser=? ";
258         init(sql);
259         int a = -1;
260         try {
261             ps.setString(1, username);
262             a = ps.executeUpdate();
263         } catch (SQLException e) {
264             e.printStackTrace();
265         }
266         return a;
267     }
268     /**
269      * 增加订单记录
270      * @param g
271      * @return
272      */
273     public int insertOrder(Order l) {
274         String sql = "insert into SHOPORDER values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
276         init(sql);
277         int a = -1;
278         try {
279             ps.setString(1, l.getScid());
280             ps.setString(2, l.getScuser());
281             ps.setString(3, l.getScgid());
282             ps.setInt(4, l.getScnum());
283             ps.setInt(5, l.getScmoney());
284             ps.setString(6, l.getSctime());
285             ps.setString(7, l.getSczt());
286             a = ps.executeUpdate();
287         } catch (SQLException e) {
288             e.printStackTrace();
289         }
290         return a;
291     }
292     /**
293      * 返回未确认订单
294      * @return
295      */
296     public List<Order> getAllOrder(){
297         String sql = "select t.* from SHOPORDER t  where t.sczt=‘待确认‘ order by t.sctime desc";
298         init(sql);
299         List<Order> list = new ArrayList<Order>();
301         try {
302             rs = ps.executeQuery();
303             while ( {
304                 Order l=new Order();
305                 l.setScid(rs.getString(1));
306                 l.setScuser(rs.getString(2));
307                 l.setScgid(rs.getString(3));
308                 l.setScnum(rs.getInt(4));
309                 l.setScmoney(rs.getInt(5));
310                 l.setSctime(rs.getString(6));
311                 l.setSczt(rs.getString(7));
312                 list.add(l);
313             }
314         } catch (SQLException e) {
315             e.printStackTrace();
316         }
317         return list;
318     }
319     /**
320      * 返回确认订单
321      * @return
322      */
323     public List<Order> getAllOrder1(){
324         String sql = "select t.* from SHOPORDER t  where t.sczt=‘已确认‘ order by t.sctime desc";
325         init(sql);
326         List<Order> list = new ArrayList<Order>();
328         try {
329             rs = ps.executeQuery();
330             while ( {
331                 Order l=new Order();
332                 l.setScid(rs.getString(1));
333                 l.setScuser(rs.getString(2));
334                 l.setScgid(rs.getString(3));
335                 l.setScnum(rs.getInt(4));
336                 l.setScmoney(rs.getInt(5));
337                 l.setSctime(rs.getString(6));
338                 l.setSczt(rs.getString(7));
339                 list.add(l);
340             }
341         } catch (SQLException e) {
342             e.printStackTrace();
343         }
344         return list;
345     }
346     /**
347      * 修改订单状态
348      * @return
349      */
350     public void UpdateOrder(String sctime){
351         String sql = "update SHOPORDER s set s.sczt=‘已确认‘ where s.sctime=?";
352         init(sql);
353         try {
354             ps.setString(1, sctime);
355             ps.executeQuery();
357         } catch (SQLException e) {
358             e.printStackTrace();
359         }
360     }
361     /**
362      * 返回用户信息
363      * @return
364      */
365     public List<User> getAllUsers(){
366         String sql = "select t.*, t.rowid from USER_TABLE t order by t.utime desc";
367         init(sql);
368         List<User> list = new ArrayList<User>();
370         try {
371             rs = ps.executeQuery();
372             while ( {
373                 User l=new User();
375                 l.setUserid(rs.getInt(1));
376                 l.setUname(rs.getString(2));
377                 l.setUpassword(rs.getString(3));
378                 l.setUnickname(rs.getString(4));
379                 l.setUemail(rs.getString(5));
380                 l.setUtime(rs.getString(6));
381                 list.add(l);
382             }
383         } catch (SQLException e) {
384             e.printStackTrace();
385         }
386         return list;
387     }
389 }


  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8" import="com.hanqi.dal.MethodDal" %>
  3 <!DOCTYPE html>
  4 <html>
  6     <head>
  7         <meta charset="utf-8" />
  8         <title>详情页</title>
  9         <link rel="shortcut icon" href="img/logo1.jpg"/>
 10         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/currency.css" />
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 13         <script src="js/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
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 15         <script src="js/axios.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
 16         <script src="js/vue.js"></script>
 17         <script src="js/swal.js"> </script>
 18     </head>
 19     <style type="text/css">
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 21         .main{width: 1275px;margin: auto;overflow: hidden;margin-bottom: 30px;min-height: 500px;padding-top: 60px;}
 22         .main .left{border: 1px solid #eee;padding: 0;}
 23         .main .left img{width: 100%;}
 24         .main .right h3{padding: 0 6% 10px 0; font-size: 24px;}
 25         .main .right p{ color: #00559a;font-size: 24px;margin-left: 8px;line-height: 50px; margin-bottom: 20px;}
 26         .main .right p small{font-size: 67%; color: #808285;margin-left: 10px;text-decoration: line-through;}
 27         .check{margin-left: 15px;padding: 15px 0;border-top: 1px solid #e0e3e9;border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e3e9;}
 28         .check li{font-size: 16px;padding: 15px 0;overflow: hidden;}
 29         .check li .num{width: 40px;height: 33px;padding-left: 5px;}
 30         .check li .btn{font-weight: bold;}
 31         .main .bottom{min-height: 200px;}
 32         .main .bottom h3{color: #005faf; font-size: 20px;}
 34     </style>
 36     <body>
 37         <%
 38             //获取存入的用户名,调用方法查询商品数量
 39             String scuser=(String)session.getAttribute("username");
 40             MethodDal m= new MethodDal();
 41             int sum=m.getGoodsSum(scuser);
 42         %>
 43         <!--header-->
 44         <header>
 45             <div class="right col-md-3">
 46                 <p class="col-md-6">你好:<span class="user"><%String username=(String)session.getAttribute("username");if(username==null){out.print("<a href=‘denglu.jsp‘>请登录</a>");}else{out.print(username);} %></span></p>
 47                 <a href="shoppingcar.jsp">
 48                     <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-shopping-cart"></span>
 49                     <span><%=sum %></span>
 50                 </a>
 51                 <a href="##" style="margin-left:20px">退出</a>
 52             </div>
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 54                 <img src="img/logo.png" />
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 69                         <li>
 70                             <a href="showlist.jsp?id=1">上装</a>
 71                         </li>
 72                         <li>
 73                             <a href="showlist.jsp?id=2">下装</a>
 74                         </li>
 75                         <li>
 76                             <a href="showlist.jsp?id=3">鞋类</a>
 77                         </li>
 78                     </ul>
 80                 </div>
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 84         <img style="width: 100%;" src="img/thin.jpg"/>
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 88                 <img v-bind:src="[‘img/‘+pic]" alt="" />
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 90             <div class="right col-md-7">
 91                 <h3>{{title}}</h3>
 92                 <p>¥ {{price}}<small>¥269.00</small>    </p>
 93                 <ul class="check">
 94                     <li class="chicun">尺寸:
 95                         <button class="btn btn-default">S</button> 
 96                         <button class="btn btn-default">M</button> 
 97                         <button class="btn btn-default">L</button> 
 98                         <button class="btn btn-default">XL</button> 
 99                         <button class="btn btn-default">XXL</button>
100                     </li>
101                     <li>数量:
102                         <button class="btn btn-primary jian"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus" aria-hidden="true"></span></button>
103                         <input class="num" type="text" value="0" />
104                         <button class="btn btn-primary jia"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span></button></button> 
105                     </li>
106                     <li>
107                         <button class="col-md-3 btn btn-danger">立即购买</button>
108                         <button class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-1 btn btn-primary jiaru">加入购物车</button>
109                     </li>
110                 </ul>
111             </div>
112             <div class="bottom col-md-12">
113                 <p class="p_details" style="margin-left:30px"></p>
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118         <footer class="text-center">    版权:汉企玛雅科技    </footer>
119     </body>
120     <script type="text/javascript">
122         //接受参数,取出数据
123         var gid = window.location.href.split("=")[1];//gid
124         var user = $("header .user").html();//用户名
125         var main = new Vue({
126             el:".main",
127             data:{
128                 title:"",
129                 details:"",
130                 pic:"",
131                 price:""
132             },
133             created: function() { //此函数先执行
134                 var that = this;
135                  var param = new URLSearchParams();
136                  param.append("gid",gid);
137        "Servlet_details",param)
138                  .then(function(res){
139                      that.title =[0].gname;
140                      that.details =[0].gdetails;
141                      $(".p_details").html(that.details)
142                      that.pic =[0].gpicture;
143                      that.price =[0].gprice;
144                  })
145             }
146         })
147         $(function(){
148             //选择尺寸
149             var size = "";//尺寸
150             var num = 0;//数量
151             $(".chicun .btn").on("click",function(){
152                 $(this).css("background","#eee");
153                 $(this).siblings(".btn").css("background","#fff")
154                 $(".num").val(0);
155                 size = $(this).html();
156                 return size;
157             })
158             //改变数量
159             var i = $(".num").val();
160             $(".jia").on("click",function(){
161                 i++;
162                 $(".num").val(i);
163                 num = i;
164                 return num;
165             })
166             $(".jian").on("click",function(){
167                 if(i>1){
168                     i--;
169                     $(".num").val(i);
170                     num = i;
171                 }
172                 return num;
173             })
175             $(".jiaru").on("click",function(){
176                 if(size != "" || num != 0){
177                      var param = new URLSearchParams();
178                      param.append("scgid",gid);
179                      param.append("scuser",user);
180                      param.append("scsize",size);
181                      param.append("scnum",num);
182            "Servlet_ShoppingCar",param)
183                      .then(function(res){
184                          if({
185                              swal("Good!", "添加成功", "success");
186                          }else{
187                              swal("OMG!", "添加失败", "error");
188                          }
189                      })
190                 }else{
191                     swal("OMG!", "请选择参数", "error");
192                 }
193             })
196         })
197     </script>
198 </html>


 1 package hanqi.maya.sevlet;
 3 import;
 4 import java.util.List;
 6 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 7 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
 8 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
 9 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
10 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
12 import;
13 import com.hanqi.maya.util.ShowList;
15 import hanqi.maya.method.Method_list;
17 /**
18  * Servlet implementation class Servlet_details
19  */
20 @WebServlet("/Servlet_details")
21 public class Servlet_details extends HttpServlet {
22     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
24     /**
25      * @see HttpServlet#HttpServlet()
26      */
27     public Servlet_details() {
28         super();
29     }
31     /**
32      * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
33      */
34     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
35         request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");//字符集
36         response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
37         // 接收传过来的值
38         String gid = request.getParameter("gid");
39         Method_list ml = new Method_list();
40         int i = Integer.parseInt(gid);    //强转为int类型
41         List<ShowList> list = ml.SelectDetails(i);
42         JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
43         if (list!=null) {
44             jo.put("result", list);
45         }else{
46             jo.put("success", false);
47         }
48         response.getWriter().append(jo.toJSONString());
49     }
51     /**
52      * @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
53      */
54     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
55         doGet(request, response);
56     }
58 }
时间: 2024-10-07 11:24:23


在 Vue 项目中引入 tinymce 富文本编辑器

项目中原本使用的富文本编辑器是 wangEditor,这是一个很轻量.简洁编辑器 但是公司的业务升级,想要一个功能更全面的编辑器,我找了好久,目前常见的编辑器有这些: UEditor:百度前端的开源项目,功能强大,基于 jQuery,但已经没有再维护,而且限定了后端代码,修改起来比较费劲 bootstrap-wysiwyg:微型,易用,小而美,只是 Bootstrap + jQuery... kindEditor:功能强大,代码简洁,需要配置后台,而且好久没见更新了 wangEditor:轻量.


Ueditor富文本编辑器是在很多项目里经常用到的框架,是百度开发团队开发的一款很好用的富文本编辑器 下面就是我在一个系统里用到的,有了富文本编辑器,管理员使用起来不是很方便? 所以本博客介绍这个富文本编辑器的使用哈!觉得写得不错的请点赞哈,有建议欢迎提哈!^V^ 下载链接: 具体的使用请看官网: 下载富文本编辑器后,我


最近在vue项目中需要使用富文本编辑器,于是将Ueditor集成进来,作为公共组件.在线预览:项目地址: 记得在右上角点个赞哦~ 1.放入静态资源并配置 首先把官网下载的Ueditor资源,放入静态资源src/static中.修改ueditor.config.js中的wi


先从官网下载插件,放在static文件下 前端引入 <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/back/kindeditor/kindeditor-all.js"></script> <script> KindEditor.ready(function (K) { window.editor = K.create('#content', { {# 加上这句话可以使jquery能获取到富


1.如何设置config中的内容 readonly:true,//只读模式wordCount:false,//是否开启字数统计enableAutoSave: false,//自动保存功能 重点:enableAutoSave不一定生效,怎么办? ueditor.config.js文件中设置enableAutoSave参数为false就可以关闭本地保存功能. //启用自动保存 ,enableAutoSave: false ueditor1.4.3版本是没有效果的,需要修改代码,在ueditor1.5


TinyMec富文本编辑器开源,而且开发人员对他的支持比较好,所以选用了它 基于Vue CLI 3脚手架搭建的项目整合tinymce 5富文本编辑器,vue cli 2版本及tinymce 4版本参考:做了些小修改,详情见github Github:


最近想在项目上引入一个富文本编辑器,之前引入过summernote,感觉并不太适合vue使用, 然后在网上查了查,vue中使用Tinymce比较适合, 首先,我们在vue项目的components文件夹中加入如下几个文件 首先看一下Tinymce/dynamicLoadScript.js的内容: let callbacks = [] function loadedTinymce() { // to fixed


一.为什么要用富文本编辑器? 先说什么是富文本编辑器吧,普通的html中input或textarea标签只能进行简单的输入,而做不到其他的文本调整功能,甚至 连空格与回车都要另写工具类去识别,更谈不上字体大小和颜色的修改.整体排版都功能了.其实一般读入文段类型的输入框都需 要富文本编辑器,没错,你们平时写博客用的就是富文本编辑器.如果还是无法理解富文本与普通输入框的区别,请看下图:  二.为什么要选nicedit 同类富文本编辑器有很多,这里选nicedit来说并不是因为它有多好,反而它功能并不

百度Web富文本编辑器ueditor在ASP.NET MVC3项目中的使用说明

====================================================================== [百度Web富文本编辑器ueditor在ASP.NET MVC3项目中的使用说明] ----by 夏春涛 2014-02-20 ====================================================================== 运行环境: ueditor-v1.3.6-utf8-net,VS2010旗舰版+SP1,