Maximum Subsequence Sum - 最大子列和问题_C语言实现



Maximum Subsequence Sum

Given a sequence of KK integers { N_1N?1??, N_2N?2??, ..., N_KN?K?? }. A continuous subsequence is defined to be { N_iN?i??, N_{i+1}N?i+1??, ..., N_jN?j?? } where 1 \le i \le j \le K1≤i≤j≤K. The Maximum Subsequence is the continuous subsequence which has the largest sum of its elements. For example, given sequence { -2, 11, -4, 13, -5, -2 }, its maximum subsequence is { 11, -4, 13 } with the largest sum being 20.

Now you are supposed to find the largest sum, together with the first and the last numbers of the maximum subsequence.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. Each case occupies two lines. The first line contains a positive integer KK (\le 10000≤10000). The second line containsKK numbers, separated by a space.

Output Specification:

For each test case, output in one line the largest sum, together with the first and the last numbers of the maximum subsequence. The numbers must be separated by one space, but there must be no extra space at the end of a line. In case that the maximum subsequence is not unique, output the one with the smallest indices ii and jj (as shown by the sample case). If all the KK numbers are negative, then its maximum sum is defined to be 0, and you are supposed to output the first and the last numbers of the whole sequence.

Sample Input:

-10 1 2 3 4 -5 -23 3 7 -21

Sample Output:

10 1 4

  • 时间限制:200ms
  • 内存限制:64MB
  • 代码长度限制:16kB







  根据题目要求,我们要输出头尾的数,显然我们需要一个表来保存我们输入的数.仅仅是数吗?当然不是!我们还要判断下标的大小,所以还需要保存他们的标号.于是你可能就想到了数组这种东西:直接int sequence[N]然后一个一个塞进去,简单!但这样的话,写出来的程序恐怕就是好几个for循环套來套去,然后出现O(n3)甚至O(n4)这种比较尴尬的事情--别忘了题目还有时间限制(200ms),我们要在各个方面都尽量加快程序的效率.首先要用指针操作代替使用数组索引(具体原因参见这里),malloc或许是一个不错的选择,但malloc出来的空间没有清零(我这个算法不清零的话,算到最后会gg..),所以改成calloc.这里还要构造一个结构体:

1 typedef struct
2 {
3     int right_indices; //右下标
4     int left_indices; //左下标
5     int sum;      //当前的数
6 } cluster;



 -10 1 2 3 4 -5 -23 3 7 -21

  由上面提出的两点我们可以知道,第一个 -10 肯定是不要的, 1 到 4 肯定是"绑定"的,也就是说只要你取了第5个元素4,为了使和最大,你肯定会一直往前取到第二个元素1.这个原理同样适用于后面的 3 和 7,但是我们有没有必要去跨越中间的 -5 和 -23(这很亏啊)去接受后面的 3 和 7 呢?这里其实包含了另一个关键思路:我们之所以会取中间的负数是因为后面(或者前面)的正数能够弥补中间那些连续负数带来的损失.概括一下前面的意思就是:先合并相邻的同号再进行比较.以上sample便可转化为

10 -28 10 -21


1 int main(void)
 2 {
 3     int flag=2;//1:positive; -1:negative; 0:undefined
 4     int K=0,i=0,temp=0,combine_count=0,n_count=0,original_count=0;
 5     int current_max=0;
 6     cluster* numbers=NULL;
 7     int* original=NULL;
 8     int final_left,final_right;
 9     scanf("%d",&K);
10     original=(int *)calloc(K+2,sizeof(int));
11     numbers=(cluster *)calloc(K+2,sizeof(cluster));

  解释一下代码的意思:flag是一个标志变量,保存上一个数的状态,其值有 2/1/0/-1;其中2是初始状态,1为正,0为0,-1为负.temp是一个交换变量,存放当前读入的数.K是要读入的数的数量,i我就不说了.original_count为原始数据计数器.combine_count是合并后的计数器.original是一个用于保存原始数据的int数组.


12     for (i=0;i<K;i++)
13     {
14         scanf("%d",&temp);
15         *(original+(++original_count))=temp;


16         switch (flag)
17         {
18             default:if(temp > 0) //default = 2;
19                     {
20                         numbers->sum=temp;
21                         numbers->left_indices=original_count;;
22                         flag = 1;
23                     }
24                     else if (temp < 0) n_count++;
25                     else if (temp == 0)
26                     {
27                         numbers->left_indices=original_count;
28                         flag = 0;
29                     }
30                     break;

  每次读入一个数据后会接着进行判断,只有在遇到第一个正数时才会写入cluster,并把标志更新为1(正数)然后更新最小下标,遇到负数会让负数计数器n_count加1,遇到0会将标志变为0,也会更新最小下标!这个很关键,因为假设输入了"0 0 0 1 2 3",那么最小下标应从第一个0算起而不是1算起(虽然他们的和都是6,但题目要求输出最小的下标!)

 case  1:if(temp>0)
32                     {
33                         ((numbers+combine_count)->sum)+=temp;
34                         (numbers+combine_count)->right_indices=original_count;
35                     }
36                     else if (temp<0)
37                     {
38                         n_count++;
39                         (numbers+combine_count)->right_indices=original_count-1;
40                         (numbers+(++combine_count))->sum=temp;
41                         flag = -1;
42                     }
43                     else if ( temp == 0)
44                     {
45                         (numbers+combine_count)->right_indices=original_count-1;
46                         flag = 0;
47                     }
48                     break;
49             case -1:if(temp < 0)
50                     {
51                         (numbers+combine_count)->sum+=temp;
52                         n_count++;
53                     }
54                     else if(temp == 0)
55                     {
56                         (numbers+combine_count)->left_indices=original_count;
57                     }
58                     else if (temp > 0)
59                     {
60                         ((numbers+(++combine_count))->sum)=temp;
61                         (numbers+combine_count)->left_indices=original_count;
62                         flag=1;
63                     }
64                     break;
65             case  0:if(temp > 0)
66                     {
67                         ((numbers+combine_count)->sum)+=temp;
68                         (numbers+combine_count)->right_indices=original_count;
69                         flag=1;
70                     }
71                     else if (temp < 0)
72                     {
73                         n_count++;
74                     }
75                     else if ( temp == 0) ;
76                     break;










    此时已经可以做第一次判断,如果负数计数器(n_count)等于输入的数的数量,则直接输出"0 0":

    if (n_count==K)
        printf("0 %d %d",*(original+1),*(original+original_count));
        return 0;


  "+ - + - + - + - + ..."(+代表正数,+代表负数,每个正数都含有两个下标,负数储存下标的空间是空的)


    while (i<=combine_count)
        if (temp>=0)
                if ((numbers+i+2)->sum != 0)
                else if ((numbers+i+2)->sum == 0)
            if (current_max<((numbers+i+2)->sum))
        else if (temp == 0)


  我们把 "+ - + - + - + - + ..."分组为:"[+ - ][+ - ][+ - ][+ - ][+ ..."有落单也没关系,然后把每组内的正数加到负数上,正数的下标都是偶数,每次循环结尾让i加2就可以使指针对准正数.因为是正负间隔,所以一旦[+ -]中的和大于0,那么就可以将这个和再加到下一组的正数上!这样保证了跨越负数能够得到补偿!画个图就是这样:

  [+1 -1 ][+2 -2 ][+3 -3 ][+4  -4 ] -> [+1 -1][+s -2][+3 -3 ][+4  -4 ] 其中+s=(+1 ) + (-1 )+ (+2 )


  做到这里,基本就结束了,但是某些特殊情况会导致bug,如果输入的数据过少,则会导致即使程序遍历结束,current_max还是为0,此时就要手动将numbers第一个正数赋给current_max,此外还有一种情况会下标颠倒(映像中是最大和只有一个数的时候...?有条件的做个测试然后告诉我吧 T T).

if (current_max == 0 )
    if (final_left>final_right) final_right=final_left;


P.S. 下方附PAT改题结果

时间: 2024-12-24 01:32:12

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1007. Maximum Subsequence Sum (25)——PAT (Advanced Level) Practise

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1007 Maximum Subsequence Sum(25 分)

1007 Maximum Subsequence Sum(25 分) Given a sequence of K integers { N?1??, N?2??, ..., N?K?? }. A continuous subsequence is defined to be { N?i??, N?i+1??, ..., N?j?? } where 1≤i≤j≤K. The Maximum Subsequence is the continuous subsequence which has th

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