Suppose you want to handle an error in oracle forms and want to display custom error message for that error, but also you want to customize more for a particular error. For example there are many fields in form with required property is set to TRUE for Not Null check.
The example below shows the error handling in oracle forms with a specific Frm-40202 error.
On-Error Trigger
Trigger Level - Form
error_item varchar2(50);
curr_item_label varchar2(100);
error_item := :system.trigger_item;
if error_type = ‘FRM‘ and error_code = 40202 then
curr_item_label := get_item_property(error_item, prompt_text);
--- you can use alert also to show the message
message(curr_item_label || ‘ cannot be left blank.‘);
--- visual attribute a_errors must exists or create your own
set_item_property(error_item, current_record_attribute, ‘A_errors‘);
end if;
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