

pycharm 修改新建文件时的头部模板

  默认为__author__=‘...‘    [省略号是默认你的计算机名]


  依次点击:File->Settings->Editor->File and Code Templete



以修改Python Script为例:


__author__ = ‘$USER‘

把 ‘$USER‘ 换成你想要的作者名,也可以直接将这一句删掉,新建python file时,就会是空白文件


1.Plain text.
2.#parse    -- directives to work with includes.
3.Predefined variables to be expanded into corresponding values in the format ${<variable_name>}.
The available predefined file template variables are:

${PROJECT_NAME} - the name of the current project.
${NAME} - the name of the new file which you specify in the New File dialog box during the file creation.
${USER} - the login name of the current user.
${DATE} - the current system date.
${TIME} - the current system time.
${YEAR} - the current year.
${MONTH} - the current month.
${DAY} - the current day of the month.
${HOUR} - the current hour.
${MINUTE} - the current minute.
${PRODUCT_NAME} - the name of the IDE in which the file will be created.
${MONTH_NAME_SHORT} - the first 3 letters of the month name. Example: Jan, Feb, etc.
${MONTH_NAME_FULL} - full name of a month. Example: January, February, etc.
 4.Custom variables. Their names can be defined right in the template through the #set directive or will be defined during the file creation.
To have the dollar character ($) in a variable rendered "as is", use the ${DS} variable instead. This variable evaluates to a plain dollar character ($).
时间: 2024-10-16 20:23:44


VS2013 include和lib路径模版修改

昨天安装BCGControlBar Professional Evaluation后,原来的VS C++工程编译报错,新建工程也报错.不能打开"SDKDDKVer.h"文件.这是编译器自动生成的文件,怎么会不能打开呢.想想肯定是路径包含的问题. 今早,同事来上班,对比了下我们两的默认路径设置,我得配置如下: 而同事的编译器默认include路径为: 显然,简单明了很多. 于是,问度娘:"如何修改VS中include directories模版路径". 于是,就来到了


获取模版文件路径: string modelExlPath = "\\xls\\文件名.xls"; // 前面“\\xls\\是文件路径”,可以如:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\ HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbookDown; //创建一个excel对象 //读入刚复制的要导出的excel文件 using (FileStream file = new FileStream(modelExlPath, FileMode.Open, Fil

pycharm pip 源修改以及包管理(转载)

转载自( pycharm下如何将默认的pip源改成国内能快速访问的源, 以及如何进行包管理 pycharm 是一款进行python项目开发的利器, 不过还是有新手在使用pycharm时, 并不知道如何进行包管理, pip 包管理 pycharm 如何进行包管理呢, 其实很简答 安装 安装包流程如下 注意2位置, 是选择相应版本的python 解释器, 因为我们可能会用virtualenv 等工具安装多版本的隔离环境, 所以在做包管理的时候


[windows] 1.到官网下载Pycharm最新版 2.安装激活 Pycharm 2017 激活码 server选项里边输入: 3.关闭Pycharm,下载中文补丁. 链接: 密码:yd3i 4.解压出文件复制到安装目录的.../lib下 5.重新打开pycharm

pycharm script模版

#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 #set( $SITE = "" ) """ @version: ?? @Python version:3.5.2 @author: lunarji @license: Apache Licence @contact: @site: ${SITE} @software: ${PRODUCT_NAME} @file: $


一.首先安装pycharm,可以参考这篇文章: 1.win10_X64,其他Win版本也可以. 2.PyCharm版本:Professional-2016.2.3. 1.到PyCharm官网下载PyCharm安装包. Download Download 2.选择Windows系统的专业版下载. 下载 下载 3.下载好的安装包. 安装包信息 安装包信息 1.双击安装包进行安装. 安装软件 安装软件 2.自定义软件安装路径(建


在mac上已经安装django,依赖于python3.6.0,在pycharm上的file-->default setting中也已经调整project interpreter为3.6.0,import django相关模块时依然提示无法找到第三方模块 调整以下两个配置,重启pycharm后解决 修改 pycharm community edition--->reference-->project:[apitest]-->project interpreter:3.6.0*****

pycharm启动慢 &ndash;xms -xmx相关参数设置

Eclipse崩溃,错误提示:MyEclipse has detected that less than 5% of the 64MB of Perm Gen (Non-heap memory) space remains. It is strongly recommendedthat you exit and restart MyEclipse with new virtual machine memoryparamters to increase this memory.   Failure


p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115% } a:link { } 1.安装pip (1)安装 sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev (2)查看pip是否安装成功 pip3 -V (3)切换国内源 Linux下,修改 ~/.pip/pip.conf (没有就创建一个), 修改 index-url至tuna,内容如下: [global] index-url = https://pypi.tuna.ts