【号外号外:微软收购 .NET 的开源实现 Xamarin 项目的公司】


2016-2-26日:本周四,微软正式收购Xamarin,意图集成到Visual Studio、Microsoft Azure、Office 365和企业移动套件中,使用C#同时开发iOS、Android和Win10应用,Build2016将公布大招,有消息称微软为此花费4到5亿美元

微软负责云端和企业部门的执行副总裁 Scott Guthrie 宣布 软件巨人签署了收购 Xamarin 公司的协议。



既然被收购,下一步的规划肯定是跟微软现有的平台做集成工作,开发套件肯定想Visual Studio靠拢,而且微软也不大可能允许一个产品,出现两次授权,所以


看到国内的评论区,全是各种喷子吐槽,呵呵,不予置评。动不动拿微软各种失败的产品来对比:什么Silverlight、诺基亚 、WindowsPhone。。。。云云,各种喷,收购了,




从 史蒂夫·鲍尔默 这个家伙被撵走的时,



2013年8月23日 - 北京时间8月23日消息,微软当地时间周五早间宣布,该公司CEO史蒂夫·鲍尔默.........








又看到Scott 的博文:

Welcoming the Xamarin team to Microsoft

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mobile Azure .NET Visual Studio

As the role of mobile devices in people‘s lives expands even further, mobile app developers have become a driving force for software innovation. At Microsoft, we are working to enable even greater developer innovation by providing the best experiences to all developers, on any device, with powerful tools, an open platform and a global cloud.

As part of this commitment I am pleased to announce today that Microsoft has signed an agreement to acquire Xamarin, a leading platform provider for mobile app development.

In conjunction with Visual Studio, Xamarin provides a rich mobile development offering that enables developers to build mobile apps using C# and deliver fully native mobile app experiences to all major devices – including iOS, Android, and Windows. Xamarin’s approach enables developers to take advantage of the productivity and power of .NET to build mobile apps, and to use C# to write to the full set of native APIs and mobile capabilities provided by each device platform. This enables developers to easily share common app code across their iOS, Android and Windows apps while still delivering fully native experiences for each of the platforms. Xamarin’s unique solution has fueled amazing growth for more than four years.

Xamarin has more than 15,000 customers in 120 countries, including more than one hundred Fortune 500 companies - and more than 1.3 million unique developers have taken advantage of their offering. Top enterprises such as Alaska Airlines, Coca-Cola Bottling, Thermo Fisher, Honeywell and JetBlue use Xamarin, as do gaming companies like SuperGiant Games and Gummy Drop. Through Xamarin Test Cloud, all types of mobile developers—C#, Objective-C, Java and hybrid app builders —can also test and improve the quality of apps using thousands of cloud-hosted phones and devices. Xamarin was recently named one of the top startups that help run the Internet.

Microsoft has had a longstanding partnership with Xamarin, and have jointly built Xamarin integration into Visual Studio, Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and our Enterprise Mobility Suite to provide developers with an end-to-end workflow for native, secure apps across platforms. We have also worked closely together to offer the training, tools, services and workflows developers need to succeed.

With today’s acquisition announcement we will be taking this work much further to make our world class developer tools and services even better with deeper integration and enable seamless mobile app dev experiences. The combination of Xamarin, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Team Services, and Azure delivers a complete mobile app dev solution that provides everything a developer needs to develop, test, deliver and instrument mobile apps for every device. We are really excited to see what you build with it.

We are looking forward to providing more information about our plans in the near future – starting at the Microsoft //Build conference coming up in a few weeks, followed by Xamarin Evolve in late April. Be sure to watch my Build keynote and get a front row seat at Evolve to learn more!



时间: 2024-10-12 14:34:39

【号外号外:微软收购 .NET 的开源实现 Xamarin 项目的公司】的相关文章


微软今天宣布收购移动应用跨平台开发商 Xamarin,收购金额未知.Xamarin 提供了通过 C# 开发 iOS.Android 和 Windows 原生移动应用的工具,以及云端应用测试平台 – 完全符合微软的"跨平台"和"移动为先"战略. 目前 Xamarin 客户超过 15,000 家,包括 100 多家世界 500 强企业,130 万独立开发者已经使用了 Xamarin.而微软长期和 Xamargin 有合作,例如 Visual Studio.Azure.O


今天的最大新闻就是微软收购热门初创企业Xamarin,从网上的反馈大部分都是积极的,也有担心微软在把Xamarin移动开发技术整合进VS的同时,还很有可能废掉MONO的GUI客户端能力只保留.net Core那样的命令行应用和Web服务部分.这也是有可能发生的事件,静待时间的检验. 知乎上也有一个帖子在讨论这个问题:微软收购 Xamarin 对移动开发领域会带来什么影响? 无论最后的结果怎么样,相信这一事件对于.NET开发者来说绝对是一个重大新闻,有利于振奋信心.


windows失败的原因我觉得除了windows内核不够先进,架构漏洞多,我觉得还是windows已经没有创新能力,坐在原地吃老本.比如说msn,以前跟QQ不相上下,但是因为缺乏创新,10几年还是原地踏步,而QQ已经一日千里,进步非常大,跟原来系统已经完全不同了.原地踏步的软件系统怎么跟上日新月异的软件发展步伐呢?至于wp,微软自己没做手机,否则会知道自己的系统是不适合手机的.耗电大的问题根本是无解. windows说pc市场疲软机会不大,不过这恰好是sinox的极好机会.sinox有可能一举击


毋庸置疑的是,"活到老,学到老"是永恒的箴言.每个人在不断的人生阶段,总是要去不断提升自己.为此,教育也就成为一件具有"终生性质"的大事.而随着互联网及.智能.科技元素的全面渗入,教育早已发生翻天覆地的变化.随之而来的,是众多巨头企业和创业团队成为教育领域向前推进的新动能. 尤其是微软.苹果和谷歌三巨头,不约而同地选择了教育市场为下一个突破口.这"三英"逐鹿教育市场的过程中,已经完全杀红了眼.收购.软硬件配套.与机构/组织等展开深入合作等,已经成

微软收购LinkedIn后度业务整合相当谨慎 担心搞砸这笔巨额交易

腾讯科技讯,回顾整个 2010 年代,微软公司最重要的并购当属斥资 262 亿美元收购白领设计网络 LinkedIn,外界认为,微软收购的目的是更好的向企业人员销售商用软件云计算服务.据外媒最新消息,LinkedIn 公司的高管日前接受了媒体采访,此人披露,微软收购 LinkedIn 之后,基本上放手不管,对于业务整合并没有表现出急躁,不过 LinkedIn 已经在和微软的一些产品整合,如今正在筹备和 Windows 操作系统等产品的更多整合. 据国外媒体报道,2016 年 6 月 13 日,微


这个项目https://github.com/wechaty/we...以前都是用人家弄好的手脚架搞得es6,搞了2天搞起了es6还报错,错误信息在下面,然后我想请教大神:1我到底应该怎么弄才能在windows上跑起来,2还有如果要学Docker,有没有什么好的学习docker的中文教程?3还有里面都是.ts结尾的是什么鬼?要学会如何用这个应该去学什么东西?在哪里学比较好? E:\weixin\wechaty>npm run dev [email protected] dev E:\weixin

从头开始 启动开源电商项目jShop

1. 引言 干了三年C#, 有了转Java 的念想,所以尝试学习一下java web,java语法本身和C#没有太多的差别,所以打算看看开源的java项目,开源的Java项目还是非常非常多的,曾经看了点 Nopcommerce的东西,确实设计的巧妙,那么就从电商项目开始,jshop是jeeshop的分支版本,在技术框架上使用spring mvc替代struts2, 页面使用freemarker替代jsp,代码可以在oschina上找到 http://git.oschina.net/dinguan


原作者:Jonathan Vanian 原文链接:https://gigaom.com/2014/10/25/why-companies-that-rely-on-open-source-projects-must-insist-on-a-strong-enforceable-code-of-conduct/ 曾经饱受嘲笑和法律攻击的开源软件,如今已成为技术产业中的一股势力.诸如Docker,Hortonworks和Cloudera这些鲜活的例子,证明了与开发者社区合作能够使公司茁壮成长,社区贡


原文地址http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_621c16b101013ygl.html OpenIntents项目和可用资源介绍 [1].    项目介绍:OpenIntents项目的目的是提供一些开源的意图和接口,通过一些可以重用的组件让移动应用程序更加紧密的在一起工作.而且对于这些开源的项目,OpenIntents组织都会提供相应的源代码和示例程序展示项目如何使用. [2].     项目资源:免费开放源代码下载地址在 www.openintents.org;讨论区