[D3] Reuse Transitions in D3 v4

D3 transitions start executing as soon as they’re created, and they’re destroyed once they end. This can present some challenges when attempting to create reusable transitions. This lesson demonstrates how to overcome those challenges using various approaches to reusable transitions.

We can put reuseable transtion into a function, then use .call() method to use that transition.

        .call(configure, 200, 600, d3.easePolyOut)
        .style(‘width‘, ‘400px‘)
        .call(configure, 0, 600, d3.easeBounceOut)
        .style(‘height‘, ‘500px‘)
        .call(configure, 0, 1200, d3.easeQuadOut)
        .style(‘background-color‘, ‘gold‘) ;

function configure (transition, delay, duration, ease) {
    return transition.delay(delay).duration(duration).ease(ease);
时间: 2024-12-09 03:05:05

[D3] Reuse Transitions in D3 v4的相关文章

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//d3.scan /* 新的d3.scan方法对数组进行线性扫描,并根据指定的比较函数返回至少一个元素的索引. 这个方法有点类似于d3.min和d3.max. 而d3.scan可以得到极值的索引而不仅仅是计算极值. */ var a1 = [1,3,5,2,9]; var i = d3.scan(a1,function(a,b){ return b-a; // 返回最大值的索引, a-b; 返回最小值的索引 }); console.log(i); //4; //d3.ticks d3.tick


特别感谢:1.[张天旭]的D3API汉化说明,已被引用到官方网站: 2.[馒头华华]提供的ourd3js.com上提供的学习系列教程,让我们这些新人起码有了一个方向. 不得不说,学习国外的新技术真的是一个很艰苦的过程. 在学习D3绘制地图的过程中,有朋友建议看一下其中投影的说明比较好,于是,凭借我这半吊子不到的英文水平,大致给翻译了下来,仅供参考: 原文链接:https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Geo-Projections#albers D3中一共提供了12

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