Intel Galileo Debian Image Prequits

Intel Galileo开发板 Debian镜像


  -intel_galileo_debian_xfce4镜像  -约3GB


  -firmwire updater 固件更新工具









原galileo-debian镜像地址:galileo-debian   大小约140mb

更新好的镜像包:链接: 密码:rbyq  大小约:2.89GB



* ************************************************
* Author :        Liutianchen
* Desciption :      Packaged Debian Image for Intel Galileo Board
* Environment :    Intel Galileo Gen1
* Date :          Version:
* 2017-01-29      V1.0
* ************************************************

Update based on galileo-debian
Package several tool for galileo startup

Build Instruction
step tool
1. FirmWare update : IntelGalileoFirmwareUpdater-1.0.4
2. Flash Binary Image : Win32DiskImager-0.9.5-install
3. Sign up via serial port : putty
4. Remote VNC Desktop : VNCViewer

Update Details
Based Image: galileo-debian
Addtional Item:
- galileo-debian version 1.2
- Software update to 2017-01-29 ubuntu wheezy
- Gcc & G++
- VNC Server (default passwd:12345678)
- Xfce4 desktop environment







时间: 2024-10-08 18:18:04

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