Oracle Load Testing






import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Date;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Properties;

import oracle.oats.scripting.modules.basic.api.ScriptService;





* @author 420309



public class MyDatabank {

private static HashMap<String,int[]> DBDesc = new HashMap<String,int[]>();

private static List<String[]> DBList = new ArrayList<String[]>();

private static String logFile = null;

private static OutputStreamWriter logger = null;

@ScriptService oracle.oats.scripting.modules.http.api.HTTPService http;

@ScriptService oracle.oats.scripting.modules.adfload.api.AdfLoadService adfload;

public static synchronized void setLog(String file)throws Exception{

if(logger != null) return;

logFile = file;

logger = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file));


public static synchronized void log(String str)throws Exception{

if(logFile == null)return;

if(logger == null){

logger = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(logFile));


//String time = new Date().getTime();

logger.write(new Date().getTime() + ":" + str + "\r\n");



// synchronized 防止多个线程重复加载

public static synchronized void initDatabank(String fileCSV)throws Exception{

if(DBList.size() > 0) return;//是否已经加载数据,防止多线程下多次加载


BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

new FileInputStream(fileCSV)));

String rec = null;

try {

br.readLine();//Ignore CSV Header

while ((rec = br.readLine()) != null) {


String[] cells = rec.split(",");



} catch (Exception e) {

throw e;

} finally {

if (br != null) {






public static synchronized void initDatabankDesc(String fileDesc)throws Exception{

if(DBDesc.size() > 0) return;


Properties props = new Properties();

props.load(new FileInputStream(fileDesc));

Enumeration<String> enums = (Enumeration<String>)props.propertyNames();

String name = null;

String value = null;

int idx = -1;

int s,e;


name = enums.nextElement();

value = props.getProperty(name).trim();

idx = value.indexOf(‘,‘);

if(idx == -1) throw new Exception("File Format Error,‘,‘ Not Found");

s = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0,idx)) - 1;//based-0

e = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(idx+1)) - 1;//based-0

int[] flag = new int[]{s,e,0};//[s,e]idx-0



DBDesc.put(name, flag);




public static String getNextDatabank(String name,int col)throws Exception{

int[] flag = DBDesc.get(name);

if(flag == null) throw new Exception("Name:["+name+"] Not Found");

Object obj = new Object();

int idx = -1;


idx = flag[0]+flag[2];

if(idx > flag[1]) {

idx = flag[0];

flag[2] = 0;




String[] cells = DBList.get(idx);

if(cells == null)throw new Exception("Name:["+name+"],Row:["+(idx + 1)+"] Not Found");

log("getNextDatabank:name["+name+"],idx["+idx+"],col["+col+"] = ["+cells[col]+"]");

return cells[col];


public static int getDatabankCount(String name)throws Exception{

int[] flag = DBDesc.get(name);

if(flag == null) throw new Exception("Name:["+name+"] Not Found");

int count = flag[1] - flag[0] + 1;


return count;



时间: 2024-08-09 06:27:08

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