Today is a perfect day to start living your dream. 实现梦想,莫如当下. Miracles may happen every day. If you choose to live your dream and strive for it, then it may be a perfect day. Sometimes, we feel we have tried our best but we still failed, yes, man pro
活动目录(Active Directory)是面向Windows Standard Server.Windows Enterprise Server以及 Windows Datacenter Server的目录服务.活动目录服务是Windows Server 2000操作系统平台的中心组件之一.理解活动目录对于理解Windows Server 2000的整体价值是非常重要的.这篇关于活动目录服务所涉及概念和技术的介绍文章描述了活动目录的用途,提供了对其工作原理的概述,并概括了该服务为不同组织和机