一.DDL数据定义语言:表操作 1.新建表 SQL> create table good(id number,name varchar2(10)); 添加注释 SQL> comment on table good is ‘商品数据‘; SQL> comment on table good.id is ‘商品id‘; 2.删除表 SQL> drop table students; 3.改动表 a.改表结构 SQL> alter table student drop column gender; b.改表名字 SQL> alter table student rename to students; c.添加约束 SQL> alter table good add primary key(id); SQL> alter table student modify age not null; 4.查看表 SQL> select table_name from user_tables; SQL> desc student; 二.DML数据操纵语言:表数据操作 1.增数据 SQL> insert into good values(1,‘aaa‘,2.0); 如果是从其他表添加,追加select 2.删数据 SQL> delete from good where id=1; 3.改数据 SQL> update good set price=5.0 where id=2; 4.查数据 SQL> select * from good; a.排序查找 SQL> select * from good order by price; b.输出显示优化 SQL> select ‘0‘||id as "编号",name as "名字",price as "价格" from good ; c.指定查找 SQL> select * from good where price in(2); d.范围查找 SQL> select * from good where price between 1 and 3; e.模糊查找 SQL> select * from good where name like ‘%b‘;
时间: 2024-09-29 17:08:58