rune is alias of int32

I think chendesheng‘s quote gets at the root cause best: Go uses a lot of signed values, not just for runes but array indices, Read/Write byte counts, etc. That‘s because uints, in any language, behave confusingly unless you guard every piece of arithmetic against overflow (for example if var a, b uint = 1, 2, a-b > 0 and a-b > 1000000: ints behave more like numbers in everyday life, which is a compelling reason to use them, and there is no equally compelling reason not to use them.

时间: 2024-10-21 23:57:35

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布尔型:bool 长度1字节 取值范围:true,false 注意:不可以用数字代表true或false 整型:Int 根据平台可能为32为或64位 8位整型:int8/uint8 长度:1字节 取值范围:-127~127,0~255 byte 字节型  其实就是 uint8的别名 16位整型:int16/uint16 长度:2字节 取值范围:-32768~32768,0~65535 32位整型:int32/uint32 长度:4字节 rune就是int32的别名 浮点型:float32/flo


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